Valley View

Neighborhood Alert

Posted in: Ewing Woods-Evergreen

Within the last two months our neighborhood has had some car break-ins. Some of your neighbors have had car windows broken, personal items removed from the vehicle and thrown around town, radios taken, and money stolen.

The association board has been aware of these acts and have been communicating with the police department for the past month. We aren't sure if we have a group of kids out having fun or adults. We do ask that everyone please beware of strange activity in the neighborhood. If you see something you don't feel is right call the police. If you do not have an emergency that warrants calling 911, please call these numbers:

* 283-4811 - Police Non-Emergency
* 237-1583 - Sgt. Scott Rounds

Currently, we have the police running a status report on the crimes reported within our neighborhood association boarders. Once the police have reviewed the report they will communicate to us the action that will take place. However, if you have had a crime committed that you did not report, the report will show lower activity and we may not get the support we are looking for. So, please use the non-emergency numbers provided above.

In the very near future we will have a ''Crime Committee'' with Brian Meyer (our city councilman) to help Ward 4. The first meeting was on August 8th. Two representatives from the NARC (Neighborhood Area Resource Coordinating) Team shared with the group of neighbors from all over Ward 4 what has been going on.

One of the major concerns is Gang and high crime activity coming from the Park Forest apartment complex which is behind the Fareway food store. One of the reps explained gang ''TAGGING'' (graffiti). Every ''TAG'' you see is like an information board. They tell the police what the current gang activity is. So, if you see any around town please call the Gang and Graffiti Hot line: 237-1808.

As for the ''Crime Committee'' they are still looking for more people to take part. If you are interested please contact Karon Booth at: The next meeting for the Crime Committee is scheduled for September 12th at Hy-Vee on SE 14th and Park Ave. The meeting will start at 6:30pm.

Please watch out for yourself and your neighbors.
The Ewing Woods- Evergreen Association Board

PS. If you have time please share any strange activity reported to the police department with Ewing Woods-Evergreen Association by way of:
Click on Discussion Forums

By Ewing Woods-Evergreen Board
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