The Warrendale Community Garden is an organization dedicated to community building and healthy living. We provide a safe gathering space for our youth, neighbors and friens coming together to learn about growing fruits, vegetables and ornamentals, promoting healthy eating and exercise while celebrating our diverse community, local arts and great cultures.
Coordinator Carla Thomas
Email: warrendalecommunitygarden@yahoo.com
Ryan Playground
Greenview & Ford Rd
Detroit MI 48228
Home: 313-784-8804
The Warrendale Community Garden is an organization dedicated to community building and healthy living. We provide a safe gathering space for our youth, neighbors and friends.
We are coming together to learn about growing fruits, vegetables and ornamentals, promoting healthy eating and exercise while celebrating our diverse community, locals arts and great cultures.
Community gardening benefits the entire community by promoting intergenerational learning and community building opportunities. Garden beautify neigborhoods.