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Garage Sale

We're having a big one this Friday and Saturday! Corner of Pierce and Westcliff Pkwy. Lots of treasures and one of a kind items as well as a terrific working refrigerator (perfect for garage!) and... more
Started: August 22nd 2013Replies: 0

Interested in a playgroup?

North Denver Metro Playgroup is a group for families with kids ages 0 - 5 years that meets several times monthly for playdates and other fun activities. (Older siblings are welcome to attend.)... more
Started: May 15th 2001Replies: 1

Satellte dishes

- covenants state below fence line as long as signal is not impaired, however I see dishes all over. Also a submittal/approval is required. Anybody know what is right? more
Started: December 31st 2007Replies: 1

Westcliff Real Estate and Home Values

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Lower Your FHA Loan Payments
Houseonmoney120 If you have an FHA loan, a new loan modification program can help you lower your monthly payments. Lower Your FHA Loan Mortgage Payments Have an FHA loan? Want to reduce your mortgage payments? Loans backed...
Tags: HomeownerFHA LoanMortgageThrifty

Neighborhood Resource Guide

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Should You Invest In An ETF?
Marketssm ETFs have become popular investment options since they become available in the U.S. in 1993. Learn if ETFs are right for your investment portfolio. An exchange-traded fund (ETF) is an investment fund that is ...
A Day in the Life of a Community Manager
Dayinlife1_th Someone asked me a few years ago to describe a normal day in the life of a community manager and I had to laugh normality and community management seem such a contradiction in terms. Then I began to think of...
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