Westridge Civic Assn Inc.


My Neighbors Network, Westridge Sub-Development

Our Virtual Westridge Community

"A virtual community is a social network of individuals who interact through a specific social media website crossing geographical and political boundaries in order to pursue mutual interests or goals. Community members can interact and share their passions through various means: Some Examples: Groups, Forums in a Group, Live Chat Rooms, Blogs and more. Community Networking sites like My Neighbors Network acts as a medium for expression and discourse about social issues specific to the user communities. Internet communities like My Neighbors Network offer the advantage of, inter alia, an instant information exchange, that is not possible in a real-life community."

A Potential Goal: To see closely located but normally relatively socially isolated folks come together in a spirit of sharing and genuine community and collaborate to achieve common objectives.

Word of wisdom: “never confuse an event ( Something that occurs in a certain place during a particular interval of time. ) with community ( A social group of any size whose members reside in a specific locality.)”.

This website presents an opportunity for neighbors to get together online, introduce themselves, and discus how they can better join together to 1st: Make Westridge one of the best areas in Houston, TX using money raised from business owners in our community who want to support our neighborhood and residents with their advertisements; 2nd: Have fun, be creative, start groups around issues of interest, have contests, and outings, good times limited only by ones imagination; and Finally to see how Westridge as a group can solve common neighborhood issue, like crime prevention or other issues. Working hand in hand with Law Enforcement and our Neighborhood Security team, we will show the “perps” that we and not they own the streets of Westridge.

My Neighbors Network (this site) includes core applications such as ( to name a few ) private user area, user blogs, user forums, user defined Groups: the meat of the site with their own forums and blogs, more. The wire, and a dashboard to keep yourself organized where you can add or remove "widgets", private email between users yet no personal data is shared, and more. This Westridge Community Site My Neighbors Network was built with an infrastructure that supports growth.

At no time will information about any individual or our cyber-community be sold to any outside source. It is our intent to protect the integrity of this virtual neighborhood by limiting the users to those who actually live in [tenant] or own real property within Westridge. We will do everything we can to limit the users to those as defined above.

The only non members of Westridge Community who may become involved are "Lawyers" who may sponsor a question and answer area for residents or Houston Police Officers who will field questions on crime prevention. Crime Stoppers and Neighborhood Watch may also be available with advice.

Does it cost any money to join?

My Neighbors Network Westridge website is FREE to all individuals who reside within the boundary of the Westridge neighborhood. In fact, My Neighbors Network is a for profit entity that soon will become a LLC in the State of Texas. My Neighbors Network will actively solicit advertisements from local merchants and corporate sponsors and that income will be, according to the charter, used to pay for items like S.E.A.L. a quality security company, neighborhood beautification, Scholarships for our Youth, Contests, Meet & Greets more, more and more good things as individuals and families become involved with the direction My Neighbors Network will take.

An EIN will also become part of the LLC and individuals who live in Westridge who would like part or full time work will have that opportunity. The pay will only be limited by your drive to succeed and see the goals of My Neighborhood Network achieved. The advertising costs will be low compared to any others seeking profit from advertising. The independent contractor will have the opportunity to earn any where from 200.00 per sale per account (X times your goal per day ) and up with no ceiling, presenting an advertising package to business that will be shown to a target audience.

Our neighborhood already has a Civic Association Website. Why do we need this?

I personally feel Westridge Civic Association has become a "joke"... Why? If you voice an opinion that is not inline with "their" plans, you will be banned. I was banned from NextDoor and the Westridge eMail list and have copies of the conversations from both places to show, if you do not follow the "party" line, so to say, you will be banned and then character assassinated. You have no right to an opinion that's not their opinion. And they wonder why no one pays their ransom ( oh.. I mean ) dues. My hope is the people of Westridge change all that nonsense and use My Neighbors Network as the catalyst. Not only is it FREE to use, but will offer the community an opportunity to generate an income that will pay for security, and many other things. It will also provide part time or full time independent contract work in a no pressure environment for Westridge residents, home owner or tenant, where one can work as little or as much as they choose.

Despite The Present Westridge Nazi's: An association for a community - more oft than not - is a wonderful way for neighbors to participate in the policies that govern the area. Some association sites also provide resources, referrals and even the posting of community documents. This site is not in competition with any association. This site provides an interactive way for neighbors to communicate with each other through referrals, personal blogs, forums, groups and other on board social media. We do provide posting of the Westridge Civic Associations documents and deed restrictions. These documents belong to the community.

Do I have to post my name? Picture? Email? Address?

The site provides the option for members to get notifications and share information as they see fit. If you want to post your name…great. If you want to use a screen name….that's fine too. Post your picture….or not. List your complete name…or just your screen name. It's all customizable and up to you.

What happens if someone posts inappropriate material?

We monitor the website (as we can) along with other members to make sure there is not inappropriate material posted. If you discover any comments, blogs or forum items that contain vulgarities please report using the flag feature at the bottom of each item titled "Report this". Freedom of Speech and Expression is a bulwark of our liberties brought and paid for at a dear cost since the inception of our nation. Please keep this in mind.

• Only registered users can see complete details of what is shared.
• Each user must register with their real name & address.
• You may use a different screen name.
• You may participate in social media…or choose not to.
• You may share your contact information with neighbors…or choose not to.
• You may receive emails about various updates…or choose not to.
• All passwords are encrypted. Only a user knows the password.
• Not even our admins have access to passwords.
• If you have forgotten, please use the Lost Password Link.
• We never share your information with anyone. Never.

My Neighbors ( NOTE: as soon as we are legally an LLC and alive, SSL will be implemented and you will see https instead of http in the URL bar. )


Some of the site user features:

Custom RSS
Profile Customizer
Simple Messenger
World Map
ZIP Code Search
Classified ads for our advertisers with custom categories, placement options, prices and photos.
Upload, crop and manage multiple profile avatars and select active avatar.
Personal blogs with individual categories, rich-text posting, photos and social features.
Multi-user video chat with concurrent video streaming, custom rooms and rich formatting.
Let site members add their own custom RSS feeds to their profiles via specialized profile block.
Adobe AIR cross-platform desktop app for off-browser communication and notifications.
Create and manage events, with dates, attendants, photos, updates and forums connectivity.
Upload, share, manage and publish various files, documents and media for download.
Advanced discussion forums with categories, rating, moderation, auto-splitting and rich-formatting.
Create and manage groups, with admins, members, forums, social features, photos and other media.
Flash-based Instant Video Messenger for one-to-one communication with rich text chat.
Upload, browse and share photos. Albums, multiple upload, categories, privacy controls, and more.
Create Poll questions and display community replies with visualized graphs.
Personalization of member profiles - custom backgrounds, fonts and UI elements.
Basic text messenger for quick communication. Displayed in member menu and always handy.
Members can publish website profiles with descriptions and auto-generated site previews.
Upload and share sound files. With categories and social sharing features.
Lets site members sell, receive payments and connect with buyers.
Upload, record and share videos. Built-in converter, social features, categories and privacy controls.
Flash-based social doodling with concurrent multi-user drawing support.
Browse site members and published content on the world map, with grouping and zooming.
Automatic postal-code search support using GeoNames or Google.

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We have heard reports of increased crime.   In about the last month there has been a burglary on Martinshire, Leeshire & Levonshire.   To try to determine the extent... more
Started: February 5th 2012Replies: 3

Scardale civic association

I think it is time to dismantle this civic association. They don't get the people that put trash out a day or two after heavy trash comes and it is the same people doing it month after month, mayb... more
Started: January 12th 2008Replies: 7

Disappearing Squirrels

We live on Mobud and have always enjoyed the squirrels. We have 3 squirrel feeders which we keep filled with sunflower seeds. Within the past 2 weeks, every squirrel has disappeared. Every morning I... more
Started: August 17th 2006Replies: 8

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