Williamsburg Village Condominium Community

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 WVCA is located just off Barksdale Road on the western outskirts of historic Newark, Delaware. Minutes from downtown Newark and Interstate 95, WVCA is the ideal community to call home and conveniently located to all aspects of Delaware life.

We are a 114 unit moderate size family community consisting of two and three bedroom townhomes.  Read More...

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New Management association

Good afternoon, does anyone monitor these posts?  I need to know where to send my dues and electrical payment starting in January 2021 with the new property managers.  I am picking up my... more
Started: December 30th 2020Replies: 1

New thread to post community suggestions

Started: April 7th 2019Replies: 0

Any unfavorable activity noted in our community?

Started: April 7th 2019Replies: 0

Williamsburg Village Condominium Community Real Estate and Home Values

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FHA Refinance Loan Options and Guidelines
Fharefism There are two possible scenarios when considering an FHA refinance. Both of these scenarios are based on what kind of current loan you are trying to refinance. FHA Refinance First Step The first step in...

Neighborhood Resource Guide

Find essential information for homeowners, associations, and the community.
5 Ways To Save On Car Insurance
Autosm If you own a car, you’ll need to buy car insurance. But why pay more than you need to? Here are a few ways you can save on your car insurance policy. Have you reviewed your car insurance policy lately?...
Selecting and Contracting Service Providers
Working_th A comprehensive written contract between a community association and each of its service providers should include many components. Each of these key provisions are necessary to clarify the agreed upon terms...
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