She answered one question concerning the 2 free pages in the newsletter. The others have still gone unanswered and need to be addressed.
When I have a few more minutes I will repost the questions in an easy to answer format.
By Penny Pincher
M. Bretell,
You are 100% correct, we all know that the Board never answers qustions put to them in this public forum. That is an actual fact too. Pass the buck, assign Cathy Limbacher to be the fall guy. The Board needs to take responsibiity for it's bad decisions and give adequate answers for once in the three years I've lived here.
You too are guilty of the double-standards that others have repeatedly pointed out on the Board. As the Board Representative to the Newsletter Committee why don't you step up and answer the questions in this forum since Mr. Sellers is incapable of doing so? Quit passing the buck, someone needs to show leadership.
Perhaps that leadership is coming. From the January minutes I see that Mr. Gwin is now helping M. Bretell determine proper content. Good. That was the best news in the minutes. Hopefully he'll step up and explain the Board endorsed wastefulness of our community money by publishing trivia and useless articles that have zero to do with the community, while ommitting the Board Minutes which impact us all.
By Ricky
Use a New Thread
Please post your questions in a brand new thread, separate from this one. I have a gut feeling that now that I agree that there is a deifinite lack of leadership of the Board, that posting I just did will get deleted for being insulting, and I too will be added to the ''actual fact'' 10% who do not agree with this edition of the Board. Actually that will bump it up to 10.18%~
By Ricky

- elf
- Valued Neighbor
- 2 Posts
Wow, it's amazing to know that as a board member, I have never been known to answer any questions put up on this web. And as a board member I am part of some deep dark conspiracy against the rest of the neighborhood. I'm amazed that some people think we actually have nothing better to do with our lives than to think up ways to spend your money. It's my money too. The deep dark conspiracy is very conspicuous with the addition of the junior olympic pool, wonderful pool maintenance and attendants, well kept landscaping, tennis courts that are constantly being maintained, a swim team, and an ever expanding playground. All must be being handled by some entity other than the board. As for the newsletter, no one made a peep about it or its content for years. The board takes time to focus on the newsletter to see if it can improved on and boy you would have thought we were destroying a classic. Many different people, not just board members, are working on this newsletter and from many different angles. Give them time and hopefully the changes will be worth it. All I read are complaints about what has been changed but no REAL suggestions or contributions as to what might go in. Other than the minutes. What about all the postings that the minutes were boring and wasting space. Now they're pricelss. When the printer ran out of the normal paper and we had a substitution, at no cost to Willoughby, it was once again the board's fault for wasting money. When Cathy explained the situation, there were no ''gee- I didn't realize'' or ''sorry for jumping to conclusions''. I understand people want instant satisfaction, but the newsletter only comes out once a month so you'll see change rather slowly. Remember, these volunteers working on it in their spare time are busy homeowners just like you, not paid professionals.