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Rumble in Brentwood Park???

Yesterday afternoon 3 Costa Mesa Police patrol cars were seen detaining approximately 14 teen-age boys in Brentwood Park. I'd like to know why they were detained and if the neighborhood should be... more
Started: April 28th 2006Replies: 1

Free TV

I have a 19'' tv w/ remote in great condition. Who wants it? more
Started: March 24th 2006Replies: 0

Bunko Party

Monthly Tuesday Night Bunko was held last night at my house. Thanks to everybody that came and played. We had 2 tables of 4 players each. Lots of food and wine left over that needs to be consumed. more
Started: March 22nd 2006Replies: 0

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Pros And Cons Of Owner Financing
Mcsm Find out the possible advantages and disadvantages of an owner-financing arrangement for both the home seller and potential buyer. If you’re considering entering into an owner-financing arrangement for...

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Secondhand Smoke and Asthma
Smoker Secondhand smoke, also known as Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS), consists of exhaled smoke from smokers and side stream smoke from the burning end of a cigarette, cigar or pipe. Secondhand smoke contains...
Tags: HomeownerHealthStaff Pick
Tips for Dealing with Hoarders in your HOA
Hoard Whether you have heard about it, witnessed it, or experienced it firsthand, you are probably familiar with the destructive effects that hoarding can have on people’s lives. There are many misconceptions ...
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