Christina Howard
230 State St.
Bowling Green Oh 43402
Home: 419-353-6960
Office: 419-352-5104 219
Fax: 419-874-4182
Wood County AIDS Task Force
Mission Statement:
The Wood County AIDS Task Force is comprised of many community members and organizations working together to ensure culturally competent, comprehensive HIV/AIDS services for Wood County residents.
Our Goals:
- Provide/participate in community education and awareness about HIV/AIDS to various population groups: schools, parents, university students, at-risk groups, professional groups, and the general public.
- Periodically review/assess the extent of HIV/AIDS and availability of services for Wood County residents.
- Maintain a directory of support services available for persons with HIV/AIDS and their support networks.
- Review/discuss current issues and provide input on public policy related to HIV/AIDS and its impact on the community.
- Provide representation to various Ohio AIDS organizations to maintain a communication link for the Task Force and information to Task Force members.
- Support a community plan for HIV prevention activities.
- Provide networking opportunities for the community.
Our Services:
We can provide you with:
- speakers for HIV/AIDS presentations
- current statistics and resources
- educational materials
- referrals to service agencies
- consultations for curriculum development on sexual health issues
- consultations for worksite policies and procedures
- a network of interested professionals