Community Response
A Citizen’s Guide to
Code Enforcement
“Achieving Code Compliance
through Education, Communication
and Cooperation.”
Clearwater Community Response Team
An Introduction
Thank you for your interest in the Community Response
Team! We’ve come a long way since October 1993, when the Code
Enforcement Department was restructured and renamed into today’s
Community Response Team.
Several notable changes have taken place over the years which
would not have been possible without support and commitment
from our City Council, City Staff and you, the community. Some
highlights of our program:
• We are now a division of the the Development and
Neighborhood Services Department working closely with our
other main Divisions; Permitting, Building Inspections and
Neighborhood Services.
• We emphasize education, comunication and cooperation
• We take an active role in community events and meetings
• We identify problems and share strategies with other City
Departments and government agencies
• We utilize the County Court System for repeat or problem
• We offer on-site counseling and more alternatives to citizens who
are in violation of City Codes
• We offer ride-along orientation programs to citizens, Board
members or other City employees to see firsthand what our
program entails
• We conduct door-to-door, block-by-block inspections in our
effort to clean up the City one block at a time
Our success depends on you, the citizens. To increase your
awareness and understanding of City Codes, please read the
information contained in this brochure. Any comments, concerns or
questions you have will be most appreciated and welcome.
Thank you for your support and interest in maintaining and
monitoring the quality of life and standards within our community,
as set by the City’s Code of Ordinances. Together we do make a
Jeff Kronschnabl
Development and Neighborhood Services Director
Q: What are the services/responsibilities of the Community Response
A: Formerly known as Code Enforcement, the Community
Response Team is responsible for obtaining compliance to
established community standards as set forth in the City’s Code
of Ordinances. Specifically, we regulate the City’s ordinances on
Address Numbering, Graffiti, Business Tax Receipts, Newsracks,
Public Nuisances, Sign Regulations, Watering Restrictions,
Zoning Regulations and other Community Development Code
Q: How do I report a possible violation?
A: Call the Community Response Team.
Be prepared to give the street address
and a brief description of the potential
violation. Your call may remain
Q: Do I have to leave my name and number?
A: No. Our office receives and investigates anonymous complaints
on a daily basis. If you leave your name or phone number, it
becomes part of the public record and is available to any citizen
for review.
Q: How do I know my complaint was acted upon?
A: If you’ve called in a complaint and do not see any results, please
call again. Our staff will gladly check the computer records and
inform you of the status of your report.
Q: What happens if I’m in violation?
A: First, if there is a suspected violation, an Inspector will leave a
card or an informational doorhanger at your residence. Second,
if we receive no response from you, a Notice of Violation will be
mailed to the property owner and/or occupant giving a specific
amount of time to comply. If you need additional time to correct
a violation, please take the time to telephone the Inspector. Our
goal is to achieve voluntary compliance through education,
communication and cooperation. As a rule, monetary fines are
used only as a last resort.
Q: What is a “Notice to Appear?”
A: Inspectors have the option of issuing a Notice to Appear citation
instead of a Notice of Violation. These citations are sent directly
to County Court. You will have the option of a trial or being
fined accordingly. Notices to Appear are used most frequently for
water and other transient-type violations and for repeat violator
and/or violations.
Q: Is there any type of assistance available?
Our Inspectors will gladly work with you to come into
compliance with City Codes. However, if you do need additional
assistance there are alternative options available, including the
City’s Economic Development Department. Please call 727-562-
4040 for information on how they may be able to assist you.
Q: My whole neighborhood has violations...why are you picking on
A: Our Inspectors try to cover their entire zone on a routine basis
and may have spotted your violation at that time. In addition,
they respond to any and all complaints that come into our offices.
If you feel we have missed a violation in your neighborhood,
please feel free to call and ask an Inspector to investigate. In no
way is this program designed to be used as a selective enforcement
tool or to be biased against any one citizen, group or business
Q: This is a ridiculous waste of taxpayers’ money. Shouldn’t you be
out chasing “real criminals?”
A. The Community Response Team is dedicated to maintaining
a high standard of living for all citizens of Clearwater. Code
enforcement is not law enforcement. We enforce codes that help
ensure a safe and pleasant environment and maintain the highest
value for your property investment. Areas that become blighted
with debris, overgrowth and graffiti are more susceptible to crime
than areas that remain free of Code violations. We actively enforce
these regulations to ensure that your neighborhood remains a safe
and healthy place to live.
Q: What are some of the more common code violations?
A: The Community Response Team is often asked about the
following Codes:
Abandoned (Inoperative) VehiclesAll vehicles must be mechanically operable and display
current registration or must be kept under a carport or in a
garage. Operable means that the vehicle runs and all tires are
inflated (Section 3-1503.B.6.).
Address Numbering
For public safety reasons, all developed properties must
have their address number clearly visible from the street that
they face and the numbers must be Arabic numerals (script
and numbers on the curb do not meet code requirements).
Residential properties must have numbers at least 3 inches in
height, nonresidential properties must have numbers at least
6 inches in height (Section 28.82).
City Code empowers Police Officers to handle
complaints including barking dogs, animals running at large,
etc. If you wish to report a violation involving animals,
ALL animalplease call the Police Department’s non-emergency number
at 727-562-4242 (Chapter 8).
In residential zones boats may not be
parked or stored on the street or street
right-of-way. Boats 20 feet or less in
length may be parked between the
principal structure and the right of way.
Boats over 20 feet long may not be
located between the principal structure
and the right-of-way. Boats must
display a current registration (Section
Business Tax Receipt
Any person holding him or herself out to the public as
being engaged in business or offering services for sale to the
public, is required to obtain a City of Clearwater Business
Tax Receipt. For more information on how to apply for a
license, please call our Development Services Department
at 727-562-4567. If you suspect someone is running an
unauthorized home business, call the Community Response
Team at 727-562-4720 and an Inspector will investigate
(Sections 29.28 and 29.30(1)).
Canvas Carports
Canvas or other similar materials may not be used for any
accessory structure. A carport is an accessory structure
(Section 3-201.B.9.).
Commercial Vehicles
In residential zones commercial vehicles and semi
trailer trucks or cabs may not be parked
tractoror stored on the street or street right-of-way. No
semi-tractor trailer truck or cab may be parked
or stored anywhere on a residential property.
Commercial vehicles over 20 feet in length, 7 feet
in height or 7 feet in width may not be located between the
principal structure and the right-of-way (Section 3-1407.A.).
To keep our City free from blight, no accumulation of debris
is allowed on a property, including rear and side yards.
(Sections 3-1503.B.5. and 7.).
Fences require a building permit which can be obtained from
our Development Services Department at 727-562-4567. In
addition, fences must be maintained in a structurally sound
and attractive manner (Section 3-808).
Garage Sales
Garage, yard or estate sales may be held no more than 2
times per property within one year-no longer than 3 days
each (Section 3-2103.A.).
Graffiti is monitored and tracked by the Community
Response Team, Solid Waste Department and Police
Department. In order to keep Clearwater a clean, safe
place to live, prompt removal is required. Assistance is
available for those properties targeted with graffiti. Please
call the Community Response Team at 727-562-4720 for
information (Section 3-1504 and 3-1503.B.14.).
Grass and Overgrowth
Grass must be maintained under 12 inches high and must
not extend more than 4 inches over the sidewalk, curb or
edge of pavement. Rights-of-way and sidewalks shall be
clear of refuse and vegetation and a height clearance of at
least 8 feet from the pavement surface shall be provided unless
an exception has been granted by the Urban Forester for
protected trees (Section 3-1503.B.).
Grass Parking
Motor vehicles may not be parked, displayed or stored on
grass or other unpaved area unless specifically authorized by
the parking code (Section 3-1403.B.1.). (See Grass Parking
- Single-Family and Duplex)
Grass Parking - Single-Family and Duplex
Is restricted to one space only and that space must be
adjacent and parallel to the driveway. If the space is not kept
landscaped (as in “grass”) it may have to be filled in with
pavers, concrete, turf block or other approved suitable parking
material (Section 3-1407.A.4.).
Hauling Trailers
In residential zones, hauling trailers may not be parked or
stored on the street right-of-way; nor may they be parked or
stored between the principle structure and the right-of-way.
Hauling trailers must display a current registration. (Section
All residential properties must be in compliance with the
Minimum Standard Housing Code (hot/cold water, heating,
sanitary facilities, etc). Several agencies are available to assist
those persons whose properties may not be up to Code.
For more information, contact our Building Construction
Inspectors (Section 3-1502.A.).
Any portion of a lot not covered by a building or structure
shall be landscaped with grass or other appropriate ground
cover and shall be maintained in a neat and healthy condition.
A detailed handout regarding groundcover options and
maintenance is available. Call 727-562-4720 and we will
provide you with a copy (Section 3-1502.H).
Motorized Scooters
Use of motorized scooters, go-peds, mini-cycles and similar
powered vehicles may require licenses, registrations and meet
other requirements. Call the Police Department at 562-4242
for information.
The City has restrictions regarding the location of newsracks
upon rights-of-way and public property. Call us at 727-
562-4720 if you have questions regarding newsracks (Section
Excessive noise can be a serious problem for residents. To
report noise violations, please call the Police Department at
727-562-4242 (Section 3-1508).
Outdoor Storage
Equipment, material or furnishings not designed for use
outdoors, such as automobile parts and tires, building
materials and interior furniture may not be stored outdoors.
Additionally, goods and materials may not be stored so that
they are visible from an abutting property or a public rightof-
way (Section 3-912 and 3-1502.F. & G.).
Parking Lots
Parking lot surfaces shall be maintained so that they are clear
of litter, trash, debris, equipment, weeds, dead vegetation
and refuse. Cracked or heaved parking lot surfaces shall be
promptly repaired (Section 3-1502.K.4.).
Portable Storage Units
A portable storage unit may be placed for no more than
4 days and no more than 4 times per year on residentially
zoned property. On nonresidential property, portable storage
units may be placed for 30 days, not more than 4 times a
year or for the duration of an active construction permit.
The unit may not be larger than 8 feet high, 8 feet wide
and 16 feet long, have no more than 2 sign faces no larger
than 12”x18” each and have a sticker that indicates the
most recent date on which the unit was delivered to the site
(Section 3-2103).
Property Maintenance Standards
Exterior surfaces of buildings must be maintained so that
they are free of mildew, rust and peeling paint. All cornices,
trim and window frames that are damaged, sagging or
otherwise deteriorated shall be repaired or replaced to be
made structurally sound. All exterior surfaces other than
decay-resistant wood shall be protected from the elements
by paint or other protective covering. Doors, windows and
roofs must be maintained in a secure and weatherproof
condition (Section 3-1502.B.).
Recreational VehiclesRecreational vehicles, travel trailers, motor homes and
camping trailers may not be parked or stored either in
the street right-of-way or on private property between
the principal structure and the right-of-way. All RVs
must be operable and display current registration.
Hauling trailers are subject to the same restrictions. No
vehicle shall be used for living, sleeping or housekeeping
purposes in the city except as recreational vehicles, travel
trailers or campers may be permitted within an approved
recreational vehicle park. (Section 3-1407.A. and 3-915.A.).
Rental Property
A business tax receipt is required for all rental of
condominiums, single family and multi-family residences.
Rental of property for less than 30 days or one calendar
month (which ever is less) is prohibited in certain areas and
must meet requirements of restrictions in all areas where
allowed (Please call the Planning Department at 562-4567
for information on approvals if allowed).
Residential Parking Restrictions
The parking restrictions placed on RVs, boats, commercial
vehicles (except semi trucks and semi trailers) and hauling
trailers do not apply to the loading, unloading or cleaning of
these vehicles completed within a 24-hour period no more
than 2 times a month; nor do they apply to commercial
vehicles during the performance of a service. (Section 3-
sign is permitted for 30 days after the issuance of an
Business opening: One temporary grand openingoccupational license. Maximum area for such sign is 12
square feet in area (Section 3-1805.C.1.).
square feet per sign. There may be one sign on site and
Garage sale signs: Maximum area of garage sales signs is 42 directional signs only on the sale dates. Signs must be
placed on private property and may not be placed in city
rights-of-way, i.e. utility poles, sidewalks, bridges and so
on (Section 3-1805.H.).
placed, erected, constructed, altered or extended without
first obtaining a sign permit. Applications for sign
permits are available online or in our Development
Sign Permit: In most cases, a sign may not be located,Services Department (Section 4-1002).
prohibited: balloons, cold air inflatables, human signs,
streamers, strings of pennants, portable signs, roof and
Prohibited signs: In most cases, the following areabove-roof signs, and vehicle and trailer signs
(Section 3-1803).
Signs in the Right-of-Way: Signs cannot be placed onpublicly-owned land or easements or inside street rightsof-
way. This includes signs on utility poles, sidewalks,
bridges, etc.. Such signs may be removed and disposed of
by any City employee (Section 3-1803.L.).
Window signs: are allowed in nonresidential districts.Maximum area of these signs is 25% of the total area of
the window where the signage is placed, up to 8 square
feet per window, with a total max cumulative area of 24
square feet per located (Section 3-1805.Q.).
condition, free of mildew, rust, and loose material,
including peeling or fading of paint or materials (Section
Maintenance: Signs must be maintained in good3-1502.I.).
frontage is allowed. Maximum allowable area per sign is
Political signs: One sign per candidate or issue per street6 square feet in a residentially-zoned area and 32 square
feet in a nonresidentially-zoned area (Section 3-1805.
Sign questions? Call 727-562-4726.
Permits may be required for removal of trees. Call the
Planning Department at 562-4567 for information on
approvals for removing trees.
Tree Trimming
By City ordinance, owners of residential properties may place
tree trimmings by the curb for City collection, providing
the homeowners perform the tree removal themselves.
Note: Landscape and tree contractors must remove all tree
trimmings and associated debris from the site and are not
permitted to leave debris for City collection. For questions,
please call Solid Waste Department at 562-4920.
Unsafe structures
To report unsafe structures or properties which are not secure,
contact the Development Services Department at 727-562-
4567 (Section 3-1502.A.).
Vehicle Repair
In residential zones, no repair of any vehicle is permitted
unless such repair is either confined within a completely
enclosed building and limited to vehicle service involving
vehicles owned by a person who resides at that residence.
Under no circumstance shall such repair be conducted as a
commercial activity (Section 3-915.C.).
Watering Restrictions
To conserve our water supply, watering is allowed (Section
32.153) per the following schedule:
Potable water-no watering between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m.
Addresses ending in an
Saturdays only.
even number, letters A through M -Addresses ending in an
odd number, letters N through Z, orno street address - Sundays
only.Wells, lakes or ponds-no watering between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m.
Addresses ending in an
Saturdays only.
even number, letters A through M -Addresses ending in an
odd number, letters N through Z,mixed
or no street address - Sundays only.Water restrictions are subject to frequent changes depending
on drought conditions. Please call: 562-4987 for the most
current water rules.
Website for watering restrictions:
The Clearwater Community Response Team is responsible for
the regulation and enforcement of established community standards
as set forth in the City’s Code of Ordinances.
Community Response Team Inspectors respond to anonymous
and citizen complaints, complaints from other City departments
and other jurisdictions. They will perform routine “sweeps” or
patrols of each subdivision within the City to locate violations.
In no way is this program designed to be used as a ìselective
enforcementî tool or to be biased against any one citizen, group or
Once a violation is verified, the inspector will attempt to contact
the property owner or tenant. If no response is made in regard
to this first notification, a Notice of Violation will be mailed via
certified mail, giving the responsible party a reasonable time to
Inspectors have the option of taking a case to the Municipal
Code Enforcement Board or through the Pinellas County Court
System for those violators who do not comply.
As a rule, fines and liens are used only as a last resort. Instead,
our goal is to achieve problem resolution through education,
communication and cooperation.
City of Clearwater Contact Numbers
Building Permits 562-4567
Economic Development 562-4054
Engineering 562-4747
Environmental 562-4745
Fire Administration 562-4334
Landscaping 562-4746
Neighborhood Services 562-4665
Parks & Recreation 562-4800
Planning 562-4567
Police Non-Emergency 562-4242
Public Works 562-4950
Solid Waste 562-4920
Trees-City Property 562-4950
Trees - Private Property 562-4746
Traffic Engineering 562-4750
Utilities 562-4600
Zoning 562-4567
Emergency-Dial 911
Your involvement and cooperation with the City is greatly
appreciated and needed. Together we can improve the quality of
life for all citizens of Clearwater.
We hope this booklet has assisted you in learning more about
our City Codes. For additional information or assistance, please
feel free to contact us.
Municipal Services Building
100 S. Myrtle Avenue, 33756-5520
P.O. Box 4748
Clearwater, FL 33758-4748
FAX 727-562-4735
web page:
Monday-Friday: 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
City of Clearwater Website:
Shelby Brown, Code Inspector 562-4725
Cornelius Collins, Code Inspector 562-4732
Rick DeBord, Code Inspector 562-4728
Nilda Espinosa, Code Inspector 562-4864
Peggy Franco, Code Inspector 562-4727
Janet McMahan, License Inspector 562-4731
Vicki Niemiller, Housing Inspector 562-4729
Corey O’Neil, Code Inspector 562-4785
Julie Phillips, Code Inspector 562-4730
Alan Ruud, Inspections Specialist 562-4711
Dee Shawen, License Inspector 562-4722
Mary Jo Weaver, Sign Inspector 562-4726
Frank V. Hibbard, Mayor
George N. Cretekos, Councilmember John Doran, Councilmember
Paul F. Gibson, Councilmember Carlen A. Petersen, Councilmember
KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that IMPERIAL LAND CORPORATION, hereinafter referred to as the "Developer", being the owner in fee simple of the map or plat thereof as recorder in Plat Book 70, pages 13 and 14 ,of the Public Records of Pinellas County, State of Florida, does hereby declare that said subdivision is subject to restrictions as follows:
1. These restrictions and limitations are to be regarded as covenants running with the land, regardless of whether they are specifically mentioned in any deeds or conveyances subsequently executed.
2. All of said property shall be known and described as residential property and no structure shall be erected, altered, placed or permitted to remain on any parcel of the same other than one-single family dwelling not to exceed 2 1/2 stories in height and a private garage, said garage to be attached and a part of the main structure.
3. No dwelling shall be erected on a land area of less than six thousand (6,000) square feet.
4. No dwelling shall have a ground floor square foot area of less than one thousand fifty (1,050)square feet for two bedroom houses and not less than one thousand four hundred (1,400) square feet for three and four bedroom houses, exclusive of screened area, open porches, terraces, patios, private garages, and servants' quarters or rooms. All houses shall have at least two inside baths.
5. No structure of any type shall be erected nearer than twenty=five (25) feet to the front lit line of any lot. No structure shall be erected nearer than ten (10) feet to any rear lot line. No structure shall be erected nearer than a minimum on side lot lines of six (6) feet. No structure shall be erected nearer than twenty-five feet (25') to any side or rear street line. No structure shall exceed two and one-half (2 1/2) stories and shall not exceed twenty-five foot (25') in height.
6. Perpetual easements for the installation and maintenance o;f utilities and drainage facilities as shown on said plat filed in the Public Records of Pinellas County, Florida, are hereby reserved.
7. No trailor, shack, garage, barn or other building shall, at any time be erected and used as a residence or other occupancy temporarily or permanently in the tract nor shall any residence or other occupancy of a temporary character be permitted. No structure of any kind shall be moved onto any part of the above described land except temporary buildings used by contractors in connection with construction work.
8. Prior to start of construction, builder will submit two copies of complete building plans, including a plot plan and a grading plan, to the developer for the purpose of insuring that the homes will preserve a uniformly high standard of construction. No structure or fence shall be erected on any building lot in this subdivision until such plans are approved by the developer in writing. Refusal of approval of plans may be based on any ground including purely aesthetic grounds which in the sole and uncontrolled discretion of the developer shall be deemed sufficient.
9. No noxious or offensive trade or activity shall be or become any annoyance or nuisance to the neighboorhood.
10. No servants' quarters or rooms may be erected on any lot, except where said servants' quarters or servants' room are attached to the main structure or to the attached garage.
11. No animals, livestock, or poultry of any kind shall be raised, bred, or kept on any lot, except that cats, dogs, and other household pets may be kept, provided they are not kept, bred, or maintained for any commercial purposes.
12. No advertising signs shall be displayed with the exception of "For Sale" signs, not exceeding 24" x 24", which may be displayed inside a window of a home, except that when houses are "open for inspection" and the particular house attended by an owner's representative, then only a sign not exceeding 36" x 36" may be dispalayed outside the house. Provided, however, that the developer, or assigns shall have the right to erect and maintain signs advertising Woodgate of Countryside properties of such size as they deem necessary.
13. No vehicle shall be parked on any part of this property except on paved streets and paved driveways. No trailers or commercial vehicles, other than those present on business, may be parked in the subdivision. Boats and/or trailers shall be parked inside of garages and concealed from public view.
14. No lot shall be used or maintained as a dumping ground for rubbish, Trash, garbage or other waste shall not be kept except in sanitary containers properly concealed from public view.
15. Every person, firm or corporation purchasing a lot in said subdivision shall be conclusively presumed, by the recording of the conveyance of said property to such person, firm or corporation, to have agreed to abide by the provisions herein contained, and to do and perform all affirmative acts required herein.
Every person,firm or corporation purchasing a lot in Woodgate of Countryside unit one recognizes that the developer has the right to maintain such furnished model homes open to the public for inspection seven days per week for such hours as are deemed necessary and practical until all of the lots in the entire development have been sold.
16. The developer shall have the right and the authority to approve exceptions or variations from these restrictions without notice or liability to the owners of other lots or any persons of authority whatsoever.
17. These covenants and restrictions are to run with the land, regardless of whether or not they are specifically mentioned in any deeds or conveyances subsequently executed and shall be binding on all parties and all persons claiming under them until January 1, 2020, at which time said covenants and restrictions shall terminate, unless the legal owners of at least seventy-five percent (75%) of the lots shall elect to continue all or part of them for a period to be determined by said owners, and shall establish this intention by a properly executed instrument in writing, which shall be recorded in the place and in the manner provided for at that time.
18. If any person, firm, or corporation, or their heirs or assigns shall violate or attempt to violate any of these covenants or restrictions before January 1, 2020, or any extension in writing thereof, it shall be lawful for any other person or persons owning any part or parcel of any above-described land to prosecute any proceeding at law or in equity against the person or persons violating or attempting to violate any such covenants or restrictions and either to prevent him or them from so doing or to recover damages or other dues for such violations.
19. Invalidation of any one of these covenants by judgment or court order shall in no wise affect any of the other provisions, which shall remain in full force and effect.
20. Grantor may include in any deed hereinafter made conveying lands in said subdivision any additional restrictive covenants or modifications not inconsistent with those herein contained and grantor may dedicate or otherwise provide additional utilities or drainage easeements.
21. All dwellings shall be constructed with concrete driveways, solid sodded front lawns, sidewalks the width of the lot along the edge of all road right-of-ways, according to the developer's specifications, and a basic shrubbery planting across the front of the home.
22. Plans for all fences must be submitted to the developer for approval prior to installation until all houses are constructed and sold in this plat. Thereafter, individual fences may be installed only upon written approval of any adjoining property owner to the fence to be installed. The developer has installed a split rail fence on portions of the following lots:
1 through 15 and 77 through 82. Owners of these lots agree to maintain their portion of this fence, and to not install any other fence alongside the split rail fence other than a chain link fence not to exceed four foot in height.
23. No exterior radio, TV, or electronic antenna shall be allowed. All such antennas shall be installed so as to be completely concealed from public view--such as in attics or garages.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned corporation has caused these presents to be executed in its name, under its corporate seal, by its duly authorized officers, and has executed the same individually on this 7th day of August,1973.