Daria Eley
Email: daria.eley@realtor.com
Email: ndorfner@columbus.rr.com
Email: amnoah@aol.com
The Worthington Hills Womens' Club meet at the Worthington Hills Country Club for business meeting, luncheon and speaker each month during the school year. You'll find our speakers entertaining and informative. The food is prepared by the chef from Worthington Hills Country Club and is always delightful.
Looking for an exciting women's group? Interesting speakers, great luncheons & numerous interest groups!The Worthington Hills Womens' Club is it! Call Brenda at 846-0704.
The Worthington Hills Womens' Club offers women from Central Ohio opportunities for networking. Activity groups that meet at various times throughout the school year include: Bridge or Penuckle, Stitch and Gab, Dining Out Doubles (couples out to dinner), Babysitting Co-op, and Book Groups. Get to know other women. Call Brenda at 846-0740 for your reservation at the next luncheon.