Wyandotte Co-op Nursery

Wyandotte Economic Issues

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Text deleted by Neighborhood Link Flagging System, Mon Mar 24 14:58:33 -0600 2008
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Interesting Suggestions But

Not too much gets changed in this city just by posting these sort of ideas on this site. I've been involved in Wy politics for about 10 years and as an outsider it is very hard to get the insiders to even listen to me.

The charter commission attempted to go to a city mamager form of govt but because of many other bad ideas that they suggested that charter was soundly defeated. They gave us another rushed job new revised charter that doesn't include a city manager or fulltime mayor that we might again have to vote down in August. The time for changing our form of govt was during that revision commission so we can't get what this poster wants unless we get another charter revision comm.

Complaints about police matters such as pay, suspensions, etc need to be taken to the Police & Fire Commission. They meet every two weeks in the Police Department Hq.

Firings of other city employees need to be taken to the city council meetings held every Monday at 7:00PM in the city hall second floor.

Stopping TIFA from funding part of the Police/court building need to be taken to the TIFA Board they meet in the mornings in city hall not sure of the dates.

Stopping the buying or leasing of vacant properties in the downtown area needs to be taken to the DDA board which meets on Mondays at 5:30pm in the second floor room 205 of city hall.

Stopping raises or proposing the sale of municipal operations at the DMS needs to be taken up with the Municipal Service Commission Board which meets in their building every two weeks in the evenings of which day I am not sure.

I believe that the Another Opinion Show is not sponsored by any official city department or function and is allowed as cable service and that any city resident can have their own cable show if they want one. So regardless of what this poster thinks it might be a 1st ammendment violation to try to silence such a cable show.

As I have pointed out, getting things changed in this city can be very difficult and time consuming. I have attended at least one of all those meetings mentioned and the many wheels of government in Wyandotte keeping grinding on whether one makea interesting postings on this site or not. I believe that our best ability to change things comes by electing good city officials and by paying attention to how well our present elected officials are doing.

wiggly world

It sure seems that with four boards and one commission that there is plenty of wiggle room to make fiscal excuses.

Any idea roughly how much of a budget each of these has and who approves those budgets?


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Reply for RP

In your post ''interesting suggestions but...'' You make a great case for why we should have a city manager, the same city manager position you fought so hard against.

Why should a citizen have to go to 5 different meeting to get their concerns heard? Shouldn't we just be able go to one person?

Would we be facing some of the same issues if we had a competent city manager in place? Maybe Mr. Maynard, Mr. Drysdale or Mr. Kowaleski would have taken this position.

How about merging some of our '' why do they have to be elected'' officials, like the full time treasurer and the full time city clerk. Would that save some money?

Richard you are very good at pointing out the problems, even though they are very obvious to most of us, but you lack the ability to solve any of them.

You encourage everyone to go to council meetings and speak their minds. But them you complain on this site because no one in the horseshoe makes eye contact with you or there is a chorus of sighs from our elected body when you approach the mike each Monday night.

You probably aren?’t a bad guy Richard but your habit of giving us your opinion on items 1-10 during citizen participation or typing Neighborhood Link/Council meeting minutes with your ''take'' on that week?’s council meeting is getting old.

Remember less is more. Which is why I try to limit myself to two or three posts a month. Try it Richard you may find you are more effective.


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