These are the regulations for use of the Solid Waste Tags:
One tag provides for the transportation and disposal of one 32 gallon container. The tags should be attached to each 32 gallon container.
There is a weight limit of sixty pounds.
Plastic bags must be of sufficient strength to prevent tearing by animals or by the weight of the contents.
Bags should be properly tied to make them fly-proof and odor-proof.
Such bags shall not exceed thirty-two gallons in capacity nor weigh more than sixty pounds when filled.
Waste Management has available sixty-four gallon toters with a two hundred pound capacity for a fee. The 64 gallon leased toters require two solid waste tags per pickup.
Ninety-six gallon toters with a two hundred fifty pound capacity are also available for a fee. The 96 gallon leased toters require three solid waste tags per pickup.
Non Waste Management 64 or 96 gallon toters are not allowed.