- really
- Respected Neighbor
- 9 Posts
the city is spending $35,000 because its out of money? Thats right almost everything is underfunded, the study is supposed to find out where and how cuts are to be made to balance the budget. I sure hope the General Manager at Municipal Service gets another Raise to his six digit payroll, he gets deffered Compension maximum contribution plus normal pension funding, poor guy. why doesnt Municipal Service Commition help out the guneral fund before Wyandotte goes into recievership, after all when the city goes bankrupt Municipal Service will fall too. They want to be seperate from the city but they cannot function if there is no city to be part of.

- rxpatr38
- Respected Neighbor
- 27 Posts
Re: Wyandotte Going Broke Fast
I share many of the same concerns as this poster and I cannot understand why the city council members continue to think the DMS director is doing such a great job that he and most of his management staff continue to be showered with excessive pay raises and other benefits.
I have read the City Charter and nothing in it defines the Department of Municipal Service any differently than the the other city departments. This idea that it is some separate profit center to be treated entirely different from other city departments is not supported in our charter. The present Municipal Service Commissioners have lost sight of who they actually should be representing as they continue to give these big raises to the DMS managers while the other city employees are not so fortunate. The commissioners are more interested in keeping the DMS Managers happy than in serving the citizen customers.
The most amazing thing is that these big raises were just given and now they are discussing and proposing rate increases. I still am very unhappy that we are supposedly an independent power company but our power went down in the big Blackout and we coiuldn't even get it restarted without help from Detroit Edison. This new director was away on a foreign trip when it happened, so I guess he didn't have to suffer like the rest of us. I think his and the other managers raises should have been based on reliability and rate controls. If they can't keep the power on and the rates under control why give them these big raises.
It certainly is something that I will remember in April 2005 when it comes time to elect council persons who can stand up to the Municipal Service commissioners and tell them to go back to the drawing board when they propose those high raises every year for the DMS management staff.
I apologize for this posting being the same as the one in the ''Talking in Circles'' thread but this is such an important issue that I hope others will read and comment on it under this thread.

- really
- Respected Neighbor
- 9 Posts
share the wealth
I hear Municipal Service needs a couple hundred thousand from tifa... hum lets see that doesnt sound like they are self supportive after all. I guess they like to have thier cake and everyone elses too. Come one when is Municipal service commission or the city council going to Balance All the Funding before its to late.. By the way the talk is taxes need to be raised..go figure. Does any one have any ideas how to stop the madness?

- really
- Respected Neighbor
- 9 Posts
''Your Fired'' seems fitting here
I believe Most of the Cities supervisors are Partialy to blame, most deciesions are based on the buddy system, its like having the fox watching the henhouse. I agree ''Your fired'' isnt that bad of an idea, it makes ''cents'' Im sure there is alot of ''Uncorrepted'' people out there who would do a better job for less money. so as the story goes retire now or ..''Your Fired''