Why bother becoming involved in the Wynn Wood Homeowners' Association? After all, you pay your membership dues each year; you may even read the newsletter and the emails, and click on to the web site now and then, and you vote; isn’t that enough?
Well, actually not! This development that we have chosen to call our home, whether full time or part time, needs us. It needs our input and our attention; it needs our advice and our talents. This very nice community needs us to help it continue to be a great place to live. And the Wynn Wood Homeowners' Association is a good place to start.
Most of us are not going to run for office, or even put our names forward for boards, committees and commissions, as important as they are. But the great thing is that we can help in much smaller ways through the Wynn Wood Homeowners' Association which is set up to serve the members and assist them in being better informed about the community through information and participation.
There are several ways you can become involved. You can work with a committee (even for a day), help with mailings, assist with the newsletter and its delivery, help with the web site, and of course, you can join the Board! That is pretty much how everyone gets involved. They decide that if they are going to live here (even part-time) they need to understand how things work. So volunteer to join a committee or help with a community event. Even lending a small hand helps carry a big load. Surely, you could handle that!
Before you know it, you may get interested and became further involved. You may even find yourself on the Board with bright, interesting people who care about the community and who want to keep it a great place to live. You will not be sorry you did.
So get involved to whatever degree you wish: help out with mailings, give a hand with the newsletter, or go to a Board meeting and see what's going on. If you decide that you like what you see and hear, you can become involved to whatever extent works for you. If the association is anything, it's flexible!
Why bother? You'll be glad you did.