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State Information: MISSISSIPPI

Welcome to Mississippi! Looking for local information? Take in hometown perspectives from individual neighborhood and HOA websites. Participate in community discussions, get instant real estate values, and view some great photos of Mississippi. Explore a map of Mississippi, learn about local schools, and review regional sex offender information. Find more resources with nearby cities and counties, and a list of Mississippi zip codes. Want to connect with your community? Set up a free HOA or neighborhood website now!

Mississippi Profile

Spelling the name of this state out loud is a catchy way to remember it, and a way to make sure you spell it correctly. The name "Mississippi" comes from an Indian word meaning "great waters" or "father of waters." Mississippi entered the Union as the 20th state in 1817. Considered part of the Deep South, Mississippi, with its rich soil and many rivers, is an agricultural state. The state flower is the fragrant magnolia blossom, and the capital is Jackson. ...Read more here: Mississippi - The Magnolia State

Capital City:
Magnolia State
Virtute et Armis (By valor and arms)
December 10, 1817 (20th)
Origin of State's Name:
Possible based on Chippewa Indian words "mici zibi," loosely meaning "great river" or "gathering in of all water"
Largest Cities:
Jackson, Biloxi, Greenville, Hattiesburg, Gulfport
Border States:
Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Tennessee
Land Area:
46,914 sq. mi.; 31st largest
State Bird:
State Flower:
Magnolia (magnolia grandiflora)
State Tree:
Magnolia ( magnolia grandiflora)
State Song:
Go Mis-sis-sip-pi

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I just talked to our President (Art Gandy) today Feburary 14, 2008 and asked him about the issue with Section C not being... more

Started: February 14th 2008

 Looking for a cab service near you? You’re in luck. With the advent of modern technology, it is now easier with... more

Started: October 6th 2023

COMMUNITY MEETING FOR CITY OF WHITTIER VOTERS     We will be having a meeting to discuss reform through direct voter... more

Started: May 2nd 2023

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Mississippi Schools

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Browse all 1065 Schools in Mississippi

Elementary Schools

Catherine Bryan Preschool
(662) 494-6051
510 Calhoun Street
West Point, MS 39773
Carver Elementary School
(601) 943-5251
Williamsburg Rd
Bassfield, MS 39421

Middle Schools

Oak Grove Middle School
(601) 264-4634
2543 Old Hwy.24
Hattiesburg, MS 39402
Second Street Elementary
(228) 467-4052
400 N Second Street
Bay St Louis, MS 39520

High Schools

Desoto Co Voc Complex
(662) 393-6211
847 Rasco Road
Southaven, MS 38671
Stone High School
(601) 928-5492
400 East Border Ave.
Wiggins, MS 39577

Sex Offender Information for Mississippi

For most citizens, the easiest method to obtain accurate and timely sex offender information for their local area is to visit their state sex offender registry website. States are required to provide this information for free. You do not need to pay for this information.

In Mississippi, the registered sex offenders can be found at http://sor.mdps.state.ms.us. Please be sure to read all the disclaimers provided by the state.

For more information check out the resources listed below:

Map of Mississippi

Mississippi Links

Zip Code Profiler

Neighborhoods, Home Values, Schools, City & State Data, Sex Offender Lists, more.

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