School Profile: Rafael Martinez Nadal
Welcome to the school profile for Rafael Martinez Nadal! Looking for local school information?
Rafael Martinez Nadal is located at Calle Bou, Corozal, PR 00783. The contact phone number is (787) 859-2720. It has a student/teacher ratio of 12.43.
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Students per Grade
Students and Teachers
- School District: Department Of Education
- Grade Range: KG - 3
- Students: 435
- Teachers (FTE): 35
- Student/Teacher Ratio: 12.43
- Title I eligible: Yes
Map of Rafael Martinez Nadal
Nearby Schools
View all schools in Corozal
- Primary Schools
- Antonio Rivera
- Carr 802 Km O Hm 5 Bo Palmarit
- Corozal, PR 00783
- (787) 859-4466
- Fidel Lopez Colon
- Bo Pueblo
- Corozal, PR 00783
- (787) 859-4592
- Genaro Bou
- Carr 818 Interior Bo Cibuco
- Corozal, PR 00783
- (787) 859-1566
- Hipolito Caldero
- Carr 803 Km 3 Hm 3 Bo Palos Bl
- Corozal, PR 00783
- (787) 859-7777
- Jose Fernandez Rubial
- Carr 805 Km 3 Hm 2.4 Bo Negro
- Corozal, PR 00783
- (787) 859-7288
- Mana
- Ramal 1 Km 2.5 Bo Mana Interio
- Corozal, PR 00783
- (787) 859-0001
- Middle Schools
- Abraham Lincoln
- Calle Bou Final
- Corozal, PR 00783
- (787) 859-3007
- Manuel Bou Gali
- Carr 891 Km 13 Hm 2
- Corozal, PR 00783
- (787) 859-4656
- High Schools
- Emilio R Delgado
- Carr 159 Km 13
- Corozal, PR 00783
- (787) 859-2037
- Porfirio Cruz Garcia
- Carr 568 Km 6 Hm 6 Bo Cuchilla
- Corozal, PR 00783
- (787) 859-0288
- Other Schools
- Dr Jose Padin
- Carr 565 Km 6 Bo Cuchillas
- Corozal, PR 00783
- (787) 859-0304
- Su Demetrio Rivera
- Carr 802 Bo Palmarito
- Corozal, PR 00783
- (787) 859-4111
- Su Julian Marrero
- Carr 164 Km 14 Bo Palmarejo
- Corozal, PR 00783
- (787) 859-3027
- Su Nicolas Rodriguez
- Carr 568 Km 30 Hm 1 Bo Padilla
- Corozal, PR 00783
- (787) 859-3250