School Profile: Porfirio Cruz Garcia
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Porfirio Cruz Garcia is located at Carr 568 Km 6 Hm 6 Bo Cuchilla, Corozal, PR 00783. The contact phone number is (787) 859-0288. It has a student/teacher ratio of 15.44.
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Students per Grade
Students and Teachers
- School District: Department Of Education
- Grade Range: 10 - 12
- Students: 386
- Teachers (FTE): 25
- Student/Teacher Ratio: 15.44
- Title I eligible: Yes
Map of Porfirio Cruz Garcia
Nearby Schools
View all schools in Corozal
- Primary Schools
- Antonio Rivera
- Carr 802 Km O Hm 5 Bo Palmarit
- Corozal, PR 00783
- (787) 859-4466
- Fidel Lopez Colon
- Bo Pueblo
- Corozal, PR 00783
- (787) 859-4592
- Genaro Bou
- Carr 818 Interior Bo Cibuco
- Corozal, PR 00783
- (787) 859-1566
- Hipolito Caldero
- Carr 803 Km 3 Hm 3 Bo Palos Bl
- Corozal, PR 00783
- (787) 859-7777
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- Carr 805 Km 3 Hm 2.4 Bo Negro
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- Mana
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- Corozal, PR 00783
- (787) 859-0001
- Rafael Martinez Nadal
- Calle Bou
- Corozal, PR 00783
- (787) 859-2720
- Middle Schools
- Abraham Lincoln
- Calle Bou Final
- Corozal, PR 00783
- (787) 859-3007
- Manuel Bou Gali
- Carr 891 Km 13 Hm 2
- Corozal, PR 00783
- (787) 859-4656
- High Schools
- Emilio R Delgado
- Carr 159 Km 13
- Corozal, PR 00783
- (787) 859-2037
- Other Schools
- Dr Jose Padin
- Carr 565 Km 6 Bo Cuchillas
- Corozal, PR 00783
- (787) 859-0304
- Su Demetrio Rivera
- Carr 802 Bo Palmarito
- Corozal, PR 00783
- (787) 859-4111
- Su Julian Marrero
- Carr 164 Km 14 Bo Palmarejo
- Corozal, PR 00783
- (787) 859-3027
- Su Nicolas Rodriguez
- Carr 568 Km 30 Hm 1 Bo Padilla
- Corozal, PR 00783
- (787) 859-3250