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Clay Elementary Profile

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School Profile: Clay Elementary

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Clay Elementary is located at 13231 S Burley Ave, Chicago, IL 60633-1492. The contact phone number is (773) 535-5600. It has a student/teacher ratio of 18.69.

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  • Students per Grade

  • Students and Teachers

  • School District: City Of Chicago Sd 299
  • Grade Range: PK - 8
  • Students: 800
  • Teachers (FTE): 42.8
  • Student/Teacher Ratio: 18.69
  • Title I eligible: Yes

Map of Clay Elementary

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Primary Schools
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4221 Towle Ave
Hammond, IN 46327
(219) 933-2475
Benjamin Franklin Elem Sch
1000 116th St
Whiting, IN 46394
(219) 659-1241
Berger Vandenberg Elementary
14833 Avalon Ave
Dolton, IL 60419
(708) 841-3606
Burnham Elementary
13945 Greenbay Ave
Burnham, IL 60633
(708) 862-8636
Carol Moseley Braun School
1655 153rd St
Calumet City, IL 60409
(708) 868-9470
Caroline Sibley Elementary
1550 Sibley Blvd
Calumet City, IL 60409
(708) 868-1870
Diekman Elementary
15121 Dorchester Ave
Dolton, IL 60419
(708) 841-3838
Franklin Elementary School
14701 Chicago Rd
Dolton, IL 60419
(708) 201-2083
Grissom Elementary
12810 S Escanaba Ave
Chicago, IL 60633
(773) 535-5380
Harriet Tubman School
333 E 142nd St
Dolton, IL 60419
(708) 849-9848
Hoover Elementary
1260 Superior Ave
Calumet City, IL 60409
(708) 862-6530
Lincoln Elementary
410 W 157th St
Calumet City, IL 60409
(708) 862-6620
Lincoln Elementary School
14151 Lincoln Ave
Dolton, IL 60419
(708) 201-2075
Nathan Hale Elementary School
1831 Oliver St
Whiting, IN 46394
(219) 659-0738
Roosevelt Elementary
111 W 146th St
Dolton, IL 60419
(708) 201-2070
Washington Irving Elem Sch
4727 Pine Ave
Hammond, IN 46327
(219) 933-2467
Wentworth Intermediate School
530 Superior Ave
Calumet City, IL 60409
(708) 868-7926
Wilson Elementary School
560 Wentworth Ave
Calumet City, IL 60409
(708) 862-5166
Middle Schools
Dirksen Middle School
1650 Pulaski Rd
Calumet City, IL 60409
(708) 868-2340
Lincoln Junior High School
14151 Lincoln Ave
Dolton, IL 60419
(708) 201-2075
Roosevelt Junior High School
111 W 146th St
Dolton, IL 60419
(708) 201-2071
Schrum Memorial School
485 165th St
Calumet City, IL 60409
(708) 862-4236
Wentworth Jr High School
560 Superior Ave
Calumet City, IL 60409
(708) 862-0750
Whiting Middle School
1800 New York Ave
Whiting, IN 46394
(219) 473-1344
High Schools
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13100 S Doty W Ave
Chicago, IL 60627
(773) 535-5250
Thornridge High School
15000 Cottage Grove
Dolton, IL 60419
(708) 271-4401
Thornton Fractnl No High School
755 Pulaski Rd
Calumet City, IL 60409
(708) 585-1000
Whiting High School
1751 Oliver St
Whiting, IN 46394
(219) 659-0255
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1921 Davis Ave
Whiting, IN 46394
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135 167th St
Calumet City, IL 60409
(708) 585-2350
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