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Benjamin Franklin Elem Sch Profile

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School Profile: Benjamin Franklin Elem Sch

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Benjamin Franklin Elem Sch is located at 1000 116th St, Whiting, IN 46394-1195. The contact phone number is (219) 659-1241. It has a student/teacher ratio of 17.78.

Below you can find more school demographics, statistics & resources, explore a map, links to nearby schools, nationwide discussions about schools, and a link to all schools in Whiting.

  • Students per Grade

  • Students and Teachers

  • School District: School City Of Hammond
  • Grade Range: KG - 5
  • Students: 320
  • Teachers (FTE): 18
  • Student/Teacher Ratio: 17.78
  • Title I eligible: Yes

Map of Benjamin Franklin Elem Sch

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Primary Schools
Abraham Lincoln Elem Sch
4221 Towle Ave
Hammond, IN 46327
(219) 933-2475
Abraham Lincoln Elementary Sch
2001 E 135th St
East Chicago, IN 46312
(219) 391-4096
Addams Elementary
10810 S Avenue H
Chicago, IL 60617
(773) 535-6210
Benjamin Franklin Elementary
2400 Cardinal Dr
East Chicago, IN 46312
(219) 391-4077
Benjamin Harrison Elementary Sch
4411 Magoun
East Chicago, IN 46312
(219) 391-4192
Black Magnet Elementary
9101 S Euclid Ave
Chicago, IL 60617
(773) 535-6390
Bright Elementary
10740 S Calhoun Ave
Chicago, IL 60617
(773) 535-6215
Buckingham Special Education Ctr
9207 S Phillips Ave
Chicago, IL 60617
(773) 535-6422
Burnham Elem Inclusive Academy
1903 E 96th St
Chicago, IL 60617
(773) 535-6530
Burnham Elementary
13945 Greenbay Ave
Burnham, IL 60633
(708) 862-8636
Caldwell Elem Acad Of Math & Sci
8546 S Cregier Ave
Chicago, IL 60617
(773) 535-6300
Carrie Gosch Elementary School
455 E 148th St
East Chicago, IN 46312
(219) 391-4172
Clay Elementary
13231 S Burley Ave
Chicago, IL 60633
(773) 535-5600
Coles Elem Language Academy
8441 S Yates Bl
Chicago, IL 60617
(773) 535-6550
Columbia Elementary School
1238 Michigan St
Hammond, IN 46320
(219) 933-2461
Davis Developmental Center
9101 S Jeffery Ave
Chicago, IL 60617
(773) 535-6209
Earhart Elem Opt For Knowl School
1710 E 93rd St
Chicago, IL 60617
(773) 535-6416
Eugene Field Elementary School
3551 Block Ave
East Chicago, IN 46312
(219) 391-4180
Gallistel Elem Language Academy
10347 S Ewing Ave
Chicago, IL 60617
(773) 535-6540
George Washington Elementary
1401 E 144th St
East Chicago, IN 46312
(219) 391-4169
Grissom Elementary
12810 S Escanaba Ave
Chicago, IL 60633
(773) 535-5380
Hoyne Elementary
8905 S Crandon Ave
Chicago, IL 60617
(773) 535-6425
Lafayette Elementary School
856 Sibley St
Hammond, IN 46320
(219) 933-2472
Lawrence Elementary
9928 S Crandon Ave
Chicago, IL 60617
(773) 535-6320
Mann Elementary
8050 S Chappel Ave
Chicago, IL 60617
(773) 535-6640
Marsh Elementary
9810 S Exchange Ave
Chicago, IL 60617
(773) 535-6430
Mireles Elem Academy
9000 S Exchange Ave
Chicago, IL 60617
(773) 535-6360
Nathan Hale Elementary School
1831 Oliver St
Whiting, IN 46394
(219) 659-0738
Ninos Heroes Elem Academic Ctr
8344 S Commercial Av
Chicago, IL 60617
(773) 535-6694
South Chicago Community Elem Schl
8255 S Houston Ave
Chicago, IL 60617
(773) 535-7930
Sullivan Elementary
8331 S Mackinaw Ave
Chicago, IL 60617
(773) 535-6585
Taylor Elementary
9912 S Avenue H
Chicago, IL 60617
(773) 535-6240
Thorp, J N Elementary
8914 S Buffalo Ave
Chicago, IL 60617
(773) 535-6250
Warren Elementary
9239 S Jeffery Ave
Chicago, IL 60617
(773) 535-6625
Washington Irving Elem Sch
4727 Pine Ave
Hammond, IN 46327
(219) 933-2467
Washington, G Elementary
3611 E 114th St
Chicago, IL 60617
(773) 535-5010
William Mckinley Elementary Sch
4825 Magoun Ave
East Chicago, IN 46312
(219) 391-4186
Middle Schools
Henry W Eggers Elem/Md Sch
5825 Blaine Ave
Hammond, IN 46320
(219) 933-2449
Joseph L Block Jr High School
2700 Cardinal Dr
East Chicago, IN 46312
(219) 391-4084
West Side Junior High School
4001 Indianapolis Blvd
East Chicago, IN 46312
(219) 391-4068
Whiting Middle School
1800 New York Ave
Whiting, IN 46394
(219) 473-1344
High Schools
Bowen Environmental Studies Hs
2710 E 89th St
Chicago, IL 60617
(773) 535-6597
Bowen High School
2710 E 89th St
Chicago, IL 60617
(773) 535-6000
Chicago Discovery Academy Hs
2710 E 89th St
Chicago, IL 60617
(773) 535-7947
Chicago Vocational Career Acad Hs
2100 E 87th St
Chicago, IL 60617
(773) 535-6100
East Chicago Central High Sch
1100 W Columbus Dr
East Chicago, IN 46312
(219) 391-4000
Hammond High School
5926 Calumet Ave
Hammond, IN 46320
(219) 933-2442
Washington G High School
3535 E 114th St
Chicago, IL 60617
(773) 535-5725
Whiting High School
1751 Oliver St
Whiting, IN 46394
(219) 659-0255
Other Schools
Area Career Center
5727 Sohl Ave
Hammond, IN 46320
(219) 933-2428
Chicago Voc Achievement Acad Hs
2100 E 87th St
Chicago, IL 60617
(773) 535-7990
George Rogers Clark Md/Hs
1921 Davis Ave
Whiting, IN 46394
(219) 659-3522
Global Visions High School
2710 E 89th St
Chicago, IL 60617
(773) 535-6904
New Millenium Health High School
2710 E 89th St
Chicago, IL 60617
(773) 535-6000
Other Schools
East Chicago Lighthouse
209 E 138th St
East Chicago, IN 46312
(219) 884-2240
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