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Stoddart Fleisher Ms Profile

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School Profile: Stoddart Fleisher Ms

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Stoddart Fleisher Ms is located at 540 N 13th St, Philadelphia, PA 19123-3237. The contact phone number is (215) 351-7375. It has a student/teacher ratio of 12.06.

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  • Students per Grade

  • Students and Teachers

  • School District: Philadelphia City Sd
  • Grade Range: 6 - 8
  • Students: 170
  • Teachers (FTE): 14.1
  • Student/Teacher Ratio: 12.06
  • Title I eligible: Yes

Map of Stoddart Fleisher Ms

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2000 N 7th St
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Philadelphia, PA 19122
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Philadelphia, PA 19123
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Philadelphia, PA 19122
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Philadelphia, PA 19106
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Philadelphia, PA 19122
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127 W Oxford St
Philadelphia, PA 19122
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685 N 12th St
Philadelphia, PA 19123
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1209 Vine Street
Philadelphia, PA 19107
(267) 256-0950
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1st Floor Rear
Philadelphia, PA 19122
(215) 232-9727
High Schools
Architecture And Design Chs
675 Sansom Street
Philadelphia, PA 19106
(215) 351-2900
Bodine William W Hs
1101 N 4th St
Philadelphia, PA 19123
(215) 351-7332
Parkway Center City
9 South 12th Street
Philadelphia, PA 19107
(215) 299-8801
Penn William Hs
1333 N Broad St
Philadelphia, PA 19122
(215) 684-5900
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1231 N Broad St 3rd Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19122
(215) 627-8671
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35 S 4th Street
Philadelphia, PA 19106
(215) 922-1902
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447 N Broad St
Philadelphia, PA 19123
(215) 923-4880
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2118 N 13th Street
Philadelphia, PA 19122
(215) 684-5091
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1300 W Susquehanna Ave
Philadelphia, PA 19122
(215) 684-5091
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1118 Market St
Philadelphia, PA 19107
(215) 299-3510
Wanamaker John Ms
1111 Cecil B Moore Ave
Philadelphia, PA 19122
(215) 684-5069
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