School Profile: Jackson Middle
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Jackson Middle is located at 3020 Gallows Rd, Falls Church, VA 22042-1010. The contact phone number is (703) 204-8100. It has a student/teacher ratio of 11.13.
Below you can find more school demographics, statistics & resources, explore a map, links to nearby schools, nationwide discussions about schools, and a link to all schools in Falls Church.
Students per Grade
Students and Teachers
- School District: Fairfax County Public Schools
- Grade Range: 7 - 8
- Students: 924
- Teachers (FTE): 83
- Student/Teacher Ratio: 11.13
- Title I eligible: No
Map of Jackson Middle
Nearby Schools
View all schools in Falls Church
- Primary Schools
- Beech Tree Elem.
- 3401 Beech Tree Ln
- Falls Church, VA 22042
- (703) 531-2600
- Devonshire Ps Home Resource
- 2831 Graham Rd.
- Falls Church, VA 22042
- (703) 876-5244
- Graham Road Elem.
- 3036 Graham Rd
- Falls Church, VA 22042
- (703) 226-2700
- Pine Spring Elem.
- 7607 Willow Ln
- Falls Church, VA 22042
- (571) 226-4400
- Westlawn Elem.
- 3200 Westley Rd
- Falls Church, VA 22042
- (703) 241-5100
- Woodburn Elem.
- 3401 Hemlock Dr
- Falls Church, VA 22042
- (703) 641-8200
- High Schools
- Falls Church High
- 7521 Jaguar Trail
- Falls Church, VA 22042
- (703) 207-4000
- Other Schools
- Community Based Education
- 7423 Camp Alger Ave
- Falls Church, VA 22042
- (703) 208-7823
- Elementary Sp Ed Ctr
- 8115 Gatehouse Rd
- Falls Church, VA 22042
- (703) 246-7781
- Interagency Alt Elem. Ctr.
- 2831 Graham Rd
- Falls Church, VA 22042
- (703) 208-6406
- Interagency Alt. Sec. Ctr
- 2831 Graham Rd
- Falls Church, VA 22042
- (703) 208-6406
- Northern Va Mental Health
- 3302 Gallows Rd
- Falls Church, VA 22042
- (703) 207-7100
- Transition Support Resource Center/Fairfax
- C/O Fairfax Co Public Schls
- Falls Church, VA 22042
- (703) 208-6406