Welcome to FALLS CHURCH, VA 22042
22042 is a densely populated, upscale urban zip code in Falls Church, Virginia. The population is racially diverse, and mostly married couples.
The average family here is doing well financially earning $81,962/year.
An intersting fact about income: Men in 22042 earn an average of $42,300/year. Women earn only $34,416/year.
16,871 people in 22042 have jobs. This statistic includes anyone over the age of 16.
Are you thinking about moving to a neighborhood in 22042? You might be interested to know that the average commute time to work for people living here is not bad, only 27.8 minutes.
The median age here is 36. There are 16,828 men and 16,709 women. The median age for men is 35 while for women the median age is 36.
To give you a sense of the community, 14,872 people (out of the 33,537 people live here) have lived in their home at least 5 years. The Post Office delivers mail to 12,016 homes, and 630 businesses every day. 260 people ride bikes or walk to work on a fairly regular basis.
22042 Zip code is located in the Eastern time zone at 39 degrees latitude (Fun Fact: this is the same latitude as Pyongyang, North Korea!) and -77 degrees longitude. It has an average elevation of 349 feet above sea levell.
Neighborhoods in Zip Code 22042
Worth Watching
Premier Neighborhoods How to Earn a Star
- Altavista Condominium Unit Owners Asso
- Bel Air
- Berkley Place
- Broyhill Park
- Carr at New Providence
- Cherrywood Homeowners Assn
- Cove HOA
- Devonshire Gardens
- Dover Park Condominium
- East Hillwood
- Great Oaks Square
- Greater Hillwood Cit. Assn.
- Greenway Downs
- Holmes Run Acres
- Holmes Run Valley
- Holmes Run Woods
- Lakeford Comm. Assn.
- New Providence Village
- Pine Spring
- Raymondale
- Seven Oaks
- Terrace Towne Homes of Gunston
- Tremont Gardens
- Walnut Hill HOA
- Waters Edge HOA
- Westlawn
- Woodley
- Yatch Club HOA
- Yorktowne Square Condo
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HOA Property Management Information in Falls Church, VA
Find An HOA Property Manager
HOA Property Management Resources
- 5 Signs It's Time to Fire Your Association Manager
- How To Select the Right HOA Management Company
- Should You Hire An HOA Management Firm?
- How To Collect Delinquent HOA Dues and Fees
- Should Your HOA Invest Its Reserves?
- What Should You Expect from Your Management Company?
- Understanding Authority is Key to HOA Communication
Real Estate & Home Values in Falls Church, VA
Average Home Value in 22042: $439,200
Home Buyer and Seller Resources
- Does Mortgage Aid Hurt Your Credit?
- Loan Modification: Is it Right for You?
- Should You Refinance Your Mortgage?
- First Time Homebuyers Guide
- Financial Assistance for First Time Homebuyers
- Do You Qualify for an FHA Loan?
- Homeowners insurance: What you need to know
- Home Maintenance Checklist
- What Is A Short Sale?
- What Is A Deed-In-Lieu?
- Reverse mortgage: the pros and cons
- How to Sell Your Home In a Down Market
- 2009 Mortgage Bailout Explained
- Obama Stimulus Plan FAQ
Instant Home Value!
Recent Home Value Searches
- 6810 Valley Brook Dr, Falls Church, VA
- 7822 Freehollow Dr, Falls Church, VA
- 7316 Poplar Ct, Falls Church, VA
- 7751 Inversham Dr, Falls Church, VA
- 6311 Crooked Oak Ln, Falls Church, VA
- 3303 Dye Dr, Falls Church, VA
- 7733 Inversham Dr APT 167, Falls Church, VA
- 7733 Inversham Dr APT 165, Falls Church, VA
- Total Population: 33,537
- White Population: 19,988
- Black Population: 1,918
- Hispanic Population: 10,404
- Asian Population: 7,114
- Hawaiian Population: 52
- Indian Population: 407
- Male Population: 16,828
- Female Population: 16,709
- Median Age: 36
- Median Age of Males: 35
- Median Age of Females: 36
- Region: South
- Division: South Atlantic
- State: Virginia
- County: Fairfax
- City: Falls Church
- Longitude: -77.2
- Latitude: 38.9
- Elevation: 349 feet above sea levele
- Area code: 703
Marital Status
Average Age
The Commute to Work
- Total commuters: 16,396
- Drive alone: 12,051
- Carpool: 2,624
- Public transit: 1,285
- Ride bikes or walk: 260
- Average commute time: 27.8 minutes.
- 0 - 5: 117
- 5 - 9: 797
- 10 - 14: 1,612
- 15 - 19: 2,326
- 20 - 24: 2,901
- 25 - 29: 1,229
- 30 - 34: 3,100
- 35 - 39: 675
- 40 - 44: 970
- 45 - 59: 1,572
- 60 - 89: 927
- 90 plus: 170
The Economics
- Average House Value: $439,200
- Average Annual Household Income: $88,678
- Businesses: 804
- Employees: 16,646
- Annual Payroll: $1,354,223,000
- Average Family Income: $81,962
- Median Family Income: $66,801
- Average Income for Men: $42,300
- Average Income for Women: $34,416
The Politics
- Congressional District: 08, 11
- Congressional District Land Area: 123.0, 387.0
- Sr Senator: Mark R. Warner (D)
- Jr Senator: Tim Kaine (D)
- US House Representative: James P. Moran (D)
Other Stuff
- County FIPS Code: 059
- State FIPS Code: 51
Farmer's Markets in Zip Code 22042
Neighborhood Link provides free websites to thousands of farmer's markets across the US. If you notice a farmers market that isn't listed here yet, contact us and we'll set up a site right away!
Schools in 22042 Zip Code
View all schools in Falls Church
- Primary Schools
- Beech Tree Elem.
- 3401 Beech Tree Ln
- Falls Church, VA 22042
- (703) 531-2600
- Devonshire Ps Home Resource
- 2831 Graham Rd.
- Falls Church, VA 22042
- (703) 876-5244
- Graham Road Elem.
- 3036 Graham Rd
- Falls Church, VA 22042
- (703) 226-2700
- Pine Spring Elem.
- 7607 Willow Ln
- Falls Church, VA 22042
- (571) 226-4400
- Westlawn Elem.
- 3200 Westley Rd
- Falls Church, VA 22042
- (703) 241-5100
- Woodburn Elem.
- 3401 Hemlock Dr
- Falls Church, VA 22042
- (703) 641-8200
- Middle Schools
- Jackson Middle
- 3020 Gallows Rd
- Falls Church, VA 22042
- (703) 204-8100
- High Schools
- Falls Church High
- 7521 Jaguar Trail
- Falls Church, VA 22042
- (703) 207-4000
- Other Schools
- Community Based Education
- 7423 Camp Alger Ave
- Falls Church, VA 22042
- (703) 208-7823
- Elementary Sp Ed Ctr
- 8115 Gatehouse Rd
- Falls Church, VA 22042
- (703) 246-7781
- Interagency Alt Elem. Ctr.
- 2831 Graham Rd
- Falls Church, VA 22042
- (703) 208-6406
- Interagency Alt. Sec. Ctr
- 2831 Graham Rd
- Falls Church, VA 22042
- (703) 208-6406
- Northern Va Mental Health
- 3302 Gallows Rd
- Falls Church, VA 22042
- (703) 207-7100
- Transition Support Resource Center/Fairfax
- C/O Fairfax Co Public Schls
- Falls Church, VA 22042
- (703) 208-6406
Photos near Zip Code 22042, Falls Church, VA
Sex Offender Information
For most citizens, the easiest method to obtain accurate and timely sex offender information for their local area is to visit their state sex offender registry website. States are required to provide this information for free. You do not need to pay for this information.
In the 22042 zip code, the registered sex offenders can be found at http://sex-offender.vsp.virginia.gov/sor/index.htm. Please be sure to read all the disclaimers provided by the state.
For more information check out the resources listed below: