00733 Zip Code Profile

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Welcome to PONCE, PR 00733

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Schools in 00733 Zip Code

View all schools in Ponce

Primary Schools
Herminia Garcia
Calle E9 Urb Glenview Garden
Ponce, PR 00733
(787) 840-6455
Julia Cordero Negron
Carr 132 Km 21 4 Bo Pastillo
Ponce, PR 00733
(787) 843-8248
Las Raices
Carr 511 Km 13 Bo Real Anon
Ponce, PR 00733
(787) 842-4418
Lucy Grillasca
Ave Eduardo Ruberte Parque Ama
Ponce, PR 00733
(787) 842-4010
Luis MuÑoz Rivera I
Carr 139 Sect Las Bayas Bo May
Ponce, PR 00733
(787) 841-6008
Pedro J Fournier
Carr 511 Km 3 Hm 9 Bo Real Ano
Ponce, PR 00733
(787) 842-8974
Middle Schools
Roman Baldorioty De Castro
89 Calle Mayor Cantera
Ponce, PR 00733
(787) 843-2235
High Schools
Ponce High School
Calle Cristina #37
Ponce, PR 00733
(787) 842-4156
Thomas Armstrong Toro
Calle Victoria Esq Fogos
Ponce, PR 00733
(787) 844-3388
Other Schools
Ramon Marin
Ave Las Americas
Ponce, PR 00733
(787) 842-1371

Photos near Zip Code 00733, Ponce, PR

Photos provided by Panoramio. Photos are under the copyright of their owners.

Sex Offender Information

For most citizens, the easiest method to obtain accurate and timely sex offender information for their local area is to visit their state sex offender registry website. States are required to provide this information for free. You do not need to pay for this information.

In the 00733 zip code, the registered sex offenders can be found at http://sijc.gobierno.pr/CJISPortal/SexualOffenders/search.aspx. Please be sure to read all the disclaimers provided by the state.

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