Tip: Create a Living History of Your HOA or Neighborhood

Create A Living History
Your free or premium website has the ability to display and then automatically archive your newsletters!

To add your first newsletter, click on the 'Our Info' section of your website. Click 'Post Your Newsletter' and you will be prompted to upload an existing newsletter from your hard drive (PDF, Doc, etc.) or use the online editor to create a newsletter from scratch with styled paragraphs, subtitles, lists and photos.
Your newsletter will then be displayed on the 'Our Info' page of your website.

The next time you create or upload a newsletter, the existing newsletter will be automatically archived and available to visitors by clicking the 'Previous Newsletters' link - You can archive an unlimited number of past newsletters. You can always remove a newsletter permanently from the archive if you choose, but many organizations have found the archive a useful way to chronicle the events of their group and create a living history.

Examples of how real organizations have implemented this feature:

Uploaded Existing Newsletter:
Cedar Grove Park HOA

Online Editor Created Newsletter:
Blendon Woods HOA

Simple Topical Newsletter:
Barristers Place HOA