Why do we pay to have the streets plowed but not salted? The streets were much more hazardous after they were plowed than before. If we are short money, let's not pay to make the streets more dangerous.
I live on North Chadwick which is pre-treated and plowed by Metro; it is very safe. I once read that pre-treating with the salt brine is much less expensive and more effective. It is my understanding that the pre-treating is less dependent on higher temperatures than the solid application which has to become brine to melt the ice.
Now to the point about not enough money: icy streets are a danger to emergency vehicles such as EMS, fire trucks, and police vehicles. Speeders on our streets jeopardize our residents and property, but we don't have money to deal with the problem. Is it not sensible to spend less money on some things (beautification for one, cleaning the ditch on Shelbyville Road, irrigation of the entrances) and more on things that directly impact our safety?
Do a feasibility study to find out what it would really cost. How much does it cost Metro per mile to pre-treat the streets? Allocate a specific amount of money to pre-treat and plow in a special fund. Set specific guidelines to dictate whether it is done or not. We have had several WINTER WARNING FALSE ALARMS from the media weather forecasts. So, what should be the situation to dictate starting the salting? What guidelines does Metro use?
In a year, with less ice and snow, roll the money forward to the next year - don't spend it on something else just because we still have it. Being Tree City USA or having the lowest tax rate are not a good things if the REAL NEEDS of the people are not met.
Kitty, you have been awfully quiet; what is your take on this issue? Some folks will have a better handle on this than I do; but let's not just quietly put up with dangerous streets just because somebody once said it was too expensive to salt and don't plow if it only removes the snow off the ice.