Kindergarten, First & Second grades.
FREE Tuition
Year round, open enrollment.
Non - discriminatory.
A safe, nurturing program with a focus on reading phonics.
A school close to home without an hour bus trip with older kids.
Transportation provided for all parents in need.
An after school enrichment program from 2:15-5:30 pm for a nominal day fee.
A Health Wellness Program and rejuvenated clinic with our own professionalnurse at least once a week.
An enriched teaching program with the nationally acclaimed Core Knowledge curriculum, Harcourt and Wright Group reading programs, Saxon math , and Foss/Delta Education Environmental Science modules.
Volunteer reading mentors and student teaching interns for low classroom ratios.
Specialized teaching in art, music, character education , Spanish and P.E.
Hands-on environmental teaching with a school yard eco-system, butterfly garden and field trips.
Special, individualized instruction for Spanish speaking ESOL students as well as comprehensive ESE and Gifted programs.
For more information about the school call:
Jan Allison (872-7457
Kelly Durrett (872-4474)
Beti Duke (Espa?±ol) (872-2526)