Blossom Park Neighborhood Association

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We at the Blossom Park Neighborhood Association (BPNA) are delighted that you are inquiring about this quiet and wonderfully centrally located subdivision.

The BPNA is a wholly voluntary association. We are a small, but growing group of dedicated neighbors who recognize the importance of having an organization to speak for them on matters of importance to More...

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What has BPNA Accomplished?

An initial success was the adjustment to the footprint of the dam located between us and the park, led by past president Sherry Shaw in coordination with other neighborhoods and several government... more
Started: June 5th 2023Replies: 0

stray white dog

       A renter  on plum blossom abandoned  a large blue eyed  whiite dog with  half black spotted back  and  one black eye .If... more
Started: March 22nd 2015Replies: 1


Does anyone know who is in charge of the HOA or even if there is one? I would like to get with someone about a possible speed bump instal on Magnolia Blosssom to keep the people that think our road is... more
Started: February 17th 2015Replies: 1

Blossom Park Neighborhood Association Real Estate and Home Values

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Instant Home Value

Staging Your Home For Sale: Room By Room
Homesalesm Learn how to stage each room of your home to show off its best features and create an environment where buyers can see themselves at home. Staging your home for sale is especially important in a buyer’s ...

Neighborhood Resource Guide

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Egg Safety
Eggsthumb The U.S. Food and Drug Administration announced July 16th, 2009, a regulation expected to prevent each year 79,000 cases of foodborne illness and 30 deaths caused by consumption of eggs contaminated with the...
Tags: HomeownerHealthStaff Pick
Environmentally-Friendly Landscaping
Grdntools_th Traditional landscaping and current landscape maintenance practices, while frequently meeting human needs and aesthetics, sometimes have unintended harmful impacts. The clearing of native woodlands and other...
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