Cactus Park West Neighborhood Association

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CPWNA is active!

We want to thank everyone for their support and overwhelming response to our announcement to disband the Cactus Park West Neighborhood Association. As part of that response, we had many requests to stay active, both from residents and public officials for a variety of reasons. This response has led us to rethink our options, and after much discussion, we have made the decision to stay active! While we have made the decision to stay active, the reasons that we had for disbanding have not changed, and our “activity” will be limited in scope for the foreseeable future. We are currently planning on bi-annual meetings. This may expand in the future once COVID has calmed down, but we will determine that at a later date.


We will also inform you when we have our next public meeting. Also, while the paper newsletters have been an integral part of CPW over the years, it was very labor and cost intensive, and it is something that we cannot sustain with the limited amount of time that the board is able to contribute to it at this time. For this reason, we have decided to attempt a digital newsletter. How often this will be distributed is still TBD. We are considering quarterly newsletters, to include local news, crime stats, and helpful contact information for public services. If you would like to be included on the email list for the newsletter, please email Vicki Allen (publisher/editor) at Keep in mind that the number of people who sign up to receive the e-newsletter will also be a factor in how often it is released, so we encourage you to sign up! If you know someone who has not been receiving the electronic newsletter in the past, make sure you tell them to email or call Vicki at 602-460-0246. We want to take another moment to thank all of the volunteers who have contributed their time to delivering the newsletters over the past 20 years! Once we are able to start holding public meetings again, we are planning on throwing a thank you party for the newsletter volunteers! We will send more details as we knowthem, but it will take place once there are less limitations on public gatherings.


Thank you again for all of your support! Cactus Park West Neighborhood Association Board Alyssa Glauber, Vicki & Guy Allen, Gloria Lamb, Diane Pedersen, & Hank Leyva 


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Quick Trip

Greetings All..   I live in the area of 39th Ave and Cholla. As a resident of the community, I frequent the areas of 28th ave and Peoria as well as the area of 27th Ave and Cactus. As you know,... more
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Didn't know I belong to an HOA did you ?

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