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Wet walls in Diamond Cove

Has anyone dug in their back yard for any reason along their back or side walls and noticed that the dirt is wet along the wall? If so, did you speak to your neighbor and try to find out why the dirt... more
Started: May 13th 2011Replies: 0

TCII HOA is now online!

What do you think of our new Web site? Let us know if you have any comments or suggestions for improving or Web site. By Board of Directors more
Started: April 10th 2005Replies: 2

Concerned about SPEEDING?

Check out the link under the ''Police & Safety'' section. more
Started: January 31st 2008Replies: 0

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Obama Mortgage Rescue Plan FAQ
Lifepreservermoneysm Loan modification and loan refinancing are two components that make up the Obama Foreclosure prevention plan. This FAQ will help you determine if qualify and what you need to do. Obama's Making Home...

Neighborhood Resource Guide

Find essential information for homeowners, associations, and the community.
Clear The Clutter: Organze Your Financial Records...
Organizesm Learn how to organize your financial documents and clear your paperwork clutter. Organizing your financial documents doesn’t have to be complicated; in fact, the simpler your system the more likely...
Be Proactive and Improve Neighborhood Safety
Single_spike Be Proactive and Improve Neighborhood and Home Safety You can increase safety and security around neighborhood common areas like pools and clubhouses and even around private homes with non-lethal spike...
Tags: SafetyAssociation
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