Charleston Oaks

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Hi Neighbors! Please use this forum to provide us, the Land of Lakes Homeowners Association officers and committe chairpersons, with your ideas for programs that you would like to see implemented.... more
Started: September 11th 2002Replies: 4

Roswell's new emergency alerts

The City of Roswell has started using the Nixle system to keep residents instantly informed of emergency and safety issues. Its FREE too! The link can be found on the city's website on... more
Started: October 27th 2010Replies: 0


Text deleted by Neighborhood Link Flagging System, Wed Oct 21 07:14:03 -0600 2009 more
Started: October 16th 2009Replies: 0

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What is a Reverse Mortgage?
Reversethumb Reverse mortgages are a way for seniors to get cash from their homes without having to sell them and move, or borrow against them and make monthly loan repayments. They are a great way for homeowners who are...

Neighborhood Resource Guide

Find essential information for homeowners, associations, and the community.
Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
Sickchild_th Covered employers must grant an eligible employee up to a total of 12 workweeks of unpaid leave during any 12-month period for one or more of the following reasons: for the birth and care of the newborn...
Home Security Basics-A Short Guide
Backtobasics1_th How many times have you heard someone say that they're safe because they live in a gated community, have an alarm on their car and home, or live in a nice neighborhood? Some don't even lock the doors to their...
Tags: SafetyCrimeAssociation
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