Cleveland UCD (Urban Conservation District)

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Cleveland Neighborhood is a "rediscovered" neighborhood. In other words, more and more people are finding that the neighborhood is constantly improving and is an excellent place to live and own a home.

The homes in the area were built in the 1930's and 1940's. These unique homes are an eclectic blend of several architectural styles. Read More...

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Street lights on 23rd Street

Will the street lights ever be replaced on 23rd Street between Villa and May?  It is so dark down that stretch at night.  It's difficult to see the street signs and is dangerous turning the... more
Started: February 23rd 2011Replies: 0

Found Two Puppies (1 tan, 1 black & tan)

I have found two pupies with pink collars, no tags.  One is tan and the other is black and tan.  more
Started: January 4th 2011Replies: 0

Lost dog

Lost Male Cairn Terrier black with light streaks.   Lost in the area of NW 25th and May.   Answers to Gatti and has tags.   Please call 947-7004 or 464-1974 if found.   more
Started: December 3rd 2010Replies: 0

Cleveland UCD (Urban Conservation District) Real Estate and Home Values

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How Can I Afford A Fixer-Upper?
House_th The purchase of a house that needs repair is often a catch-22 situation, because the bank won't lend the money to buy the house until the repairs are complete, and the repairs can't be done until the house has ...
Tags: FinancialHomeownerRepairs

Neighborhood Resource Guide

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Lightning Safety
Lightningthumb Lightning is the MOST UNDERRATED weather hazard. On average, only floods kill more people. Lightning makes every single thunderstorm a potential killer, whether the storm produces one single bolt or ten...
Tags: CommunityStaff PickWeatherSafety
Condominium - A Type Of Ownership
Condoowner1_th Not A Type Of Architecture So you think you know what a condominium is? Well everyone does - right? You don't know exactly how to define it, but you know one when you see one. Wrong. Here is an...
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