Des Moines, Iowa Historical Society website:
~ ~ ~ Emily Bibler designed our Logo! Isn't it great! ~ ~ ~
NEXT MEETING -------- The next meeting of the Des Moines Historical Society will be SATURDAY,, APRIL 14, 2012 from 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. at North Side Library, 5th & Euclid. TOPIC: STREETCARS OF HIGHLAND AND OAK PARK.
By Earl Short
Drinks and cookies will be provided. ~~~~~~~~~~
QUARTERLY 'MEMBERS ONLY' EVENT - TBA - August 25, 2012, tour the Kathedral at 19th & Cottage Grove
***** THE DUES FOR 2012 may now be paid, $10 individual, $15 for 2-household members and other dues for businesses, etc. They have not increased. See our website to use PayPal to pay your dues.
~~~~~ DMHS President Pat Meiners has recently been interviewed by Andy Fales and Aaron Brilbeck of WHO-TV 13. Andy talked with her about famous DM citizens General Crocker, Captain Fleur and Wesley Redhead. Aaron spoke with her about DM in 1922 in regard to a Cold Case Murder that happened near where Broadlawns Hospital is now. Links are given below.
There are many links to websites which have historical information about Des Moines on the list below and on the Polk County Historical Studies Neighborhoodlink list at
At the October 28 meeting, Emily Bibler was announced as the winner of the DMHS Logo contest. Go to the DISCUSSION area designated below for the explanation of the logo. Sarah Oltrogge presented a PowerPoint presentation about the East Side, and included many photos that were not in her book. Thank you to Emily and Sarah for their efforts toward making the DMHS a great organization!
June 14, the Des Moines Historical Society and City of Des Moines celebrated the 100th anniversary of the laying of the cornerstone at the DM Municipal Building (CIty Hall). The contents of the cornerstone were displayed and there were old vehicles, re-enactors, band, etc. Photos are posted on the DMHS Facebook page, and the Des Moines Register and KCCI-TV websites. See the list of links to view them.
Many enjoyed the free rides on the Heritage Carousel at the July 27 meeting and learned about the many various old amusements parks and other types of entertainment in Des Moines.