Doverwood Townhouses Owners Assn.

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Board's transcriber

Text deleted by Neighborhood Link Flagging System, Fri May 16 08:56:18 -0600 2008 more
Started: November 21st 2006Replies: 3

Asbestos in Ceilings?

Does anyone know if the Fox Hills Pines has asbestos in their ceilings? Or where I can go to find this information out? Thanks. By Jeanie more
Started: August 21st 2007Replies: 0

Next Thread

Testing threads, John! By zelduh Horvath more
Started: July 27th 2006Replies: 6

Neighborhood Resource Guide

Find essential information for homeowners, associations, and the community.
Creating A Disaster Supplies Kit
Areyouready_010_th A Disaster Supply Kit is a collection of basic items that members of a household may need in the event of a disaster. Kit Locations Since you do not know where you will be when an emergency occurs, prepare...
HOAs and the Fair Housing Act
Fair-housing-logo HOAs cannot discriminate against protected groups. Whether you’re on a homeowners association board, are a current homeowner, or are looking to buy into an association, you need to be aware of how the...
Tags: AssociationLegal
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