Fox Hill Estates

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Dogs Barking All NIGHT!!!

I live in Arlington ,wa by the Bryant lake on 5 acres and we have some neibhors that have their dogs out barking all night,i wish they would take control of them and bring them inside.I am just about... more
Started: August 9th 2015Replies: 0

Highway 'Welcome' Sign for Oso WA?

Should we have a sign on State Route 530 saying, "Welcome to Oso"? more
Started: June 13th 2009Replies: 3


Hi from Ernie (?“Dog?”) Fortney and Clydea Cook, the new owners of the Oso General Store. We have lived in Oso, on the ?“Stilly?” for two years. Ernie coming from Lake Stevens,... more
Started: June 19th 2009Replies: 3

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Should You Consider Owner Financing?
Owsm Owner financing becomes more popular during a slow market, but be sure to do your research first to see if the arrangement is right for you. Owner financing isn’t for everyone, but can offer a number of ...

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What is Binge Drinking?
Bingethumb Binge drinking is a common pattern of excessive alcohol use in the United States. The National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism defines binge drinking as a pattern of drinking that brings a...
Tags: HealthHomeownerStaff Pick
Smart Irrigation Controllers
Smartirrigationthumb Do you know what a Smart Irrigation Controller is? No? Well, don't feel bad. Lots of people don't. A Smart Irrigation Controller can save you and your clients money with very little time and effort. Smart...
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