Jeffersons Garden

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Lost Chihuahua

Hello. I would like to report a missing dog. It's a 2 year old female chihuahua. It has short gold/yellow hair and is very small and skinny. It has been missing since May 8th. We think it might have... more
Started: May 14th 2013Replies: 0

small lost dogs

Missing since last night..6:00PM 1 small black pomapoo named bear had greyish color legs.  Does not have collar on as I had just given him bath....ugh the other is a small black long hair... more
Started: October 16th 2011Replies: 0

LOST Yellow LAb

On 161st and Old Olive.  He's currently on my porch, 4605 NW 161st.  Call if he's yours 562-1015 more
Started: September 10th 2009Replies: 1

Jeffersons Garden Real Estate and Home Values

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Tips On Buying a Home
Hmbuy_th The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) provides information on a full range of housing topics including renting, buying, selling, and home improvements at Links to...
Tags: HomeownerHousingFinancialMortgage

Neighborhood Resource Guide

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Own a home in a community association? Use this tax break!
75311432_scaled_331x227 If you’re part of a homeowners association and are selling your home, take advantage of this often overlooked benefit. You probably know that when you sell your home, you can exclude from your taxable...
How to remove an HOA board member
Remove Need to recall a member of your community association’s board? Here’s how. There may be any number of reasons that homeowners in your community want to remove a member from your HOA’s board. ...
Tags: AssociationHOABoard
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