

Beginning at the junction of the crest of the Koolau Range and the Pali Highway, south and east, then north along the Pali Highway to the junction of Kalanianaole Highway and Kamehameha Highway, thence west along Kamehameha Highway to the Kaneohe-Kailua Boundary, thence east along the Kaneohe-Kailua Boundary to Mahinui Ridge, thence north along Mahinui Ridge to the southwestern corner boundary of the Kaneohe Marine Corps Air Station, thence east along the boundary of the Kaneohe Marine Corps Air Station to the southeastern corner boundary of the Kaneohe Marine Corps Air Station, thence southeast along the coast to the north boundary of Bellows Air Force Base, thence west along the north boundary of Bellows Air Force Base, thence sought along the west boundary of Bellows, thence west along the Olomana Golf Course boundary, thence south and west along Aniani Nui Ridge to the crest of the Koolau Range, thence north along the crest of the Koolau Range
to the Pali Highway.

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How To Save On Closing Costs
Homecashsm Many are shocked when they learn how much they owe to close on their mortgage. But there are ways to save before you sign on the dotted line. Closing costs seem to be a necessary evil when securing a new, or...

Discussions in Kailua

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Services for Gleni Chang Brown

This information was relayed by Roni Swift from Gleni's niece:"Aunty Gleni's Celebration of Life will be Dec., 1st - 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. - Oahu Cemetery. The family will scatter her ashes... more
Started: November 4th 2015Replies: 0

A Chance to Tell the KHS '65 Story

An interesting opportunity to tell the KHS '65 story. I just got this email from our class secretary Pam Cates Burris which I am relaying direct to all of you for immediate action: "While on the... more
Started: November 3rd 2015Replies: 0

KHS '65 50th Reunion

The Kailua High School Graduating class of 1965 will be holding its 50th reunion from 21-24 October 2015.  Venues are slated for the Kaneohe-Kailua area on Oahu.  See information on the... more
Started: September 20th 2015Replies: 0
Resource Guide
Home Fire Safety
Areyouready_037_thStaying safe before, during, and after a house fire
After a Board Recall - Turning Things Around
AftertherecallthumbThere will be those whose actions prompt the members to attempt a full recall of the board.
How to Prevent House Fires
05fire-jumboThere are several things you can do to prepare and prevent disaster from striking your home.
What Medicare Doesn't Cover
MedicareLearn what Medicare does and doesnt cover and how you can fill in the gaps of service.


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