''Kirkwood Presbyterian Church''

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We are like your extended large & loving family.
Worship begins on Sunday mornings at 10:AM
till 11:AM
Church School starts at 9:AM for all ages.
First Sunday of each Month is dress down Sunday, with Pot Luck dinner following worship at 11:15 AM. Everyone is always welcome.


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Neighborhood-wide Yard Sales

Attention: Beachwood Subdivision - Neighborhood-wide Yard Sales Saturday October 17, 8:00am - whenever! From Beach Blvd near FSCJ campus, turn at Dunkin' donuts. (Rain date Sat Oct 24, 8am)   more
Started: October 14th 2020Replies: 0

Guardian ad Litem program needs volunteers!

Hi Neghbors!  The Guardian ad Litem program is a volunteer based State Agency and non-profit program.  Volunteers advocate for the Best Interest of children in court.  They are the one... more
Started: June 16th 2020Replies: 0

Coxswains Needed - Jacksonville Rowing Club

Do you know someone who rowed competitively in College or High School and would like to get back into it?    The Jacksonville Rowing Club www.jaxrow.org is looking for Coxswains who can be... more
Started: June 6th 2019Replies: 0
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Resource Guide
Prepare for Winter Storms and Extreme Cold
Areyouready_026_thTips for preparing for winter storms and cold in your home and car
Have An Effective and Efficient Meeting Every Time
Effectmtg1_thHow parliamentary procedure can solve common dissatisfactions with association meetings
Jumbo Loans for Jumbo Mortgages
Mansion120For a home priced over $417,000, you are in jumbo loan territory - where the loans are large and the interest rates are high.
Prepaid Credit Cards
CreditcardthumbThere are plenty of situations where a prepaid card might be the most convenient choice, but be sure you understand the terms

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