The Neighborhood Leadership Program is a new initiative for NCCJ Charlotte. We have launched the program because we think that there need to be more opportunities for residents of grass roots neighborhoods to have a stronger voice in decisions that affect their lives and their communities. One of the barriers to making that happen is that our communities and neighborhoods are often divided along lines of race, culture and other differences.
NCCJ would like to work with you to change that. We can support you in finding ways to work with other neighborhood residents across lines of difference to build on the things you have in common.
The vision of NCCJ is to make America a better place for all of us, not just for some of us. That?’s why we will:
*Work with you to build a network of leaders from a variety of racial, cultural and religious backgrounds.
*Work with you in the network to create your own agenda for social change.
*Support your network of neighborhood leaders in finding effective ways to make your voices heard in the decision-making process in our community.
*Support you in your community as you work to bring about change.