(continuing from previous post...)
4) Seeing discussions from other areas - we like the idea of a button you could click at the top of the page that would hide everything that wasn't posted in that neighborhood. Thoughts?
5) Rankings - number of posts will not be the only factor in how you are ranked. Your rank will reflect the level of respect your neighbors here on the site have for you based on quality, not quantity, of contributions. Expect to see a way to rate individual posts or users - you will be the ones who tell the system how people should be ranked.
6) Search - yes, that's coming.
7) Ordering of topics - right now they're ordered by when they were started. We're planning on changing that to order them by last reply instead.
8) Anonymous posting - some of our discussion areas had become very unfriendly places because a few people were abusing this privilege. We hope that having one username tied to all of your posts, having all of your posts affect your rank, and maybe having your rank affect what you can do on the site will help reduce such abuse without forcing people to use their real names.
I'm sure I've missed some stuff and I'm just one guy so if I didn't mention your issue, that doesn't mean none of us are working on it!
Again, please do continue to give us feedback here on what's good and bad - we're listening!