Riverwood Cove

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Speed Humps

We have been fighting very hard for our speed humps, it may be coming a reality in 2011 a 635 ft long 22 ft wide dead end roadway does not need exit speeds of 70+ mph, a total lack of respect for... more
Started: January 6th 2011Replies: 0

House hold & Gardening Tips

The kitchen sink sponge is TOPs in harboring and spreading germs. A great way to keep it clean and germs away from your food takes one minute and has the benefit of cleaning something else at the same... more
Started: August 28th 2007Replies: 0

Community Appearance Standards

The city has gone through a lengthy and inclusive process to build a foundation for community standards. The process started when the city received a loud message from citizens concerned over the... more
Started: August 27th 2007Replies: 0

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5 Signs It's Time to Fire Your Association Manager
Fired Terminating your contract with your association management company should not be done for light or transient reasons. But when an association management firm, for whatever reason, engages in a sustained series ...

Neighborhood Resource Guide

Find essential information for homeowners, associations, and the community.
Prepare Your Family For An Emergency...
Clipboardsm Learn what steps you can take to prepare yourself, your family and your home for an emergency situation. If a natural or manmade disaster hit your neighborhood, will your home be ready? How about your family? ...
Taking Minutes Whose Job Is It And Why?
Takingnotes_th The responsibility to take minutes of meetings of the association or its board is typically that of the secretary. Specific responsibilities of directors serving on an association's board are most often stated ...
Tags: AssociationMeetingsBoard
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