Please See our ''Calendar'' and ''Newsletter'' and ''Our Pages'' sections for the latest items concerning this issue. (Links are on the left of this web site.)
We are a citizens group with a concern for the welfare of the Pass. Citizen input on the Pass has overwhelmingly indicated that there is not interest in major changes to this Scenic Byway that we all enjoy. Instead it was recommended that the road needs maintenance and rehabilitation, which is not what we consider to be offered currently.
In brief, The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) initially offered five alternatives, four of which required light to heavy construction (depending on the section of the road.) When the citizens said a loud and definitive ''NO'' to those four construction-oriented alternatives, the FHWA did not turn to Alternative #1, which was to maintain the existing road better than it had currently been maintained.
Instead the FHWA has proposed Alternative #6 - WHICH REQUIRES ''LIGHT'' AND ''FULL'' CONSTRUCTION.