Sinacola Woods or Hamlet

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Neighbors upset

We just moved into our first home last December, everything has been going well.  We love being part of the community, and are taking pride in home ownership.  Today, we received a note on... more
Started: April 9th 2019Replies: 0

Local wild life

Has anyone else seem the bucks, rabbits, fox and coyote? There seems to be an abundance this year. Last year, I saw a three-legged coyote running down the center of Lujon in the middle of the... more
Started: July 11th 2007Replies: 1


I hope someone actually sees this post. I found a kitten 11/26/07, Monday night. I can't imagine kitty being more than 1 year old. He has no collar or tags and is very friendly. If anyone knows... more
Started: November 27th 2007Replies: 0

Sinacola Woods or Hamlet Real Estate and Home Values

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Should you refinance your home mortgage?
Housequestionsm Learn about the mortgage refinance process, if you qualify to refinance your home loan, and whether or not refinancing might benefit you. The recession may be over, but most Americans wouldn’t know it....

Neighborhood Resource Guide

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Lightning Safety
Lightningthumb Lightning is the MOST UNDERRATED weather hazard. On average, only floods kill more people. Lightning makes every single thunderstorm a potential killer, whether the storm produces one single bolt or ten...
Tags: CommunityStaff PickWeatherSafety
Avoiding Foreclosure Rescue Scams
Sadthumb Behind every new foreclosure is a desperate family willing to do anything to save their home. And as foreclosures continue to mount across the U.S., so do the number of con artists trying to take advantage of...
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