St. Theresa/Orangedale Neighborhood Association

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Sports Park Update 40th street McDowell

Sports Park Update 40th street McDowell A few weeks ago I attended a meeting of the Phoenix Parks and Conservation Foundation to talk about working with them to get this project built. Many of the top... more
Started: July 1st 2008Replies: 0

Balsz District Taxation Hearing Notice of Tax...

  In compliance with 15-905.01 Arizona Revised Statutes, Balsz Elementary School District # 31 is notifying its property taxpayers intention to raise its primary taxes. Over the current level to... more
Started: June 26th 2008Replies: 0

Parent, Community & Teacher involvement

Parent, Community & Teacher involvement is required for Balsz District & Community to thrive. Please join our club to stay up dated with what is going on. We have a discussion area, newsletter... more
Started: June 19th 2008Replies: 0

St. Theresa/Orangedale Neighborhood Association Real Estate and Home Values

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Obama Loan Modification Plan Explained
Pastduesm The key components of Obama's foreclosure-avoidance program are loan modification and loan refinancing. The details of this provision has created an extraordinary opportunity for millions of people to either...

Neighborhood Resource Guide

Find essential information for homeowners, associations, and the community.
Own a home in a community association? Use this tax break!
75311432_scaled_331x227 If you’re part of a homeowners association and are selling your home, take advantage of this often overlooked benefit. You probably know that when you sell your home, you can exclude from your taxable...
Credit Score Numbers
Creditwomancomputer120 Your credit history is measured and rated, and given a score from 550 to 850. So, what do these numbers mean? Good Credit Scores The best credit scores are born from healthy financial lifestyles. The two...
Tags: CreditDebtCredit ScoreAssociation
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