Sturbridge Homeowner's Association, Inc.

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Wall/Fence Ideas

Does anyone out there have any kind of Ideas how we can improve our Wall/Fence more economically?? We really need everyone's Input!! more
Started: November 20th 2007Replies: 5

Burned out street lights

Walking through the neighborhood, I see street lights out that make our neighborhood even darker. Homeowners should call Progress Energy at 407-629-1010 to report them. We pay for these lights and... more
Started: January 12th 2008Replies: 1

Sherriff patrol

I thought we were already being assessed $80 per household for police patrol. With the increase in crime in the Metrowest area, this patrol is needed. The $33k we pay per year would pay for a full... more
Started: July 28th 2007Replies: 3

Neighborhood Resource Guide

Find essential information for homeowners, associations, and the community.
What Medicare Doesn't Cover
Medicare Learn what Medicare does—and doesn’t—cover and how you can fill in the gaps of service. Medicare provides health insurance coverage to Americans age 65 and older and those with certain...
Public Relations: What Can Your Association Do?
Communications_th Want to improve the Association's image or get your message out in the community? Is your Board of Directors ready and prepared? A carefully planned public relations program gives the board the ability to...
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