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Home School in Watson

Hi, I have a 7th grader who is struggling in school because he has a severe case of ADHD.  His therapist suggested I put him in home school.  I do not have the patience to home school... more
Started: April 4th 2013Replies: 0

Parish Council

Strongly recommend the web site It lists all the nonsense that's been going on with the parish council. It's also given me a lot of respect for the great work Cindy Wale... more
Started: September 22nd 2010Replies: 1

Merry Christmas To All

All The Christmas lights are very nice. Everyone did a great job. Our subdivision look great. I Know the little ones can hardly wait until Christmas morning. I would like to take this time to wish all... more
Started: December 18th 2007Replies: 0

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Lower Your FHA Loan Payments
Houseonmoney120 If you have an FHA loan, a new loan modification program can help you lower your monthly payments. Lower Your FHA Loan Mortgage Payments Have an FHA loan? Want to reduce your mortgage payments? Loans backed...
Tags: HomeownerFHA LoanMortgageThrifty

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Ditch Your Cable T.V. For These Cheaper Alternatives
Cableunplugsm Tired of paying too much for too many channels that you never watch? It is possible to cut the cable cord and still get most of the programming you love for less than what you currently pay. You’ve...
Mitt Romney Foreign Policy at a Glance
Mitt_romney Around the world we see tremendous upheaval and change. Our next President will face extraordinary challenges that could alter the destiny of America and, indeed, the future of freedom. Romney on Afghanistan ...
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