Trails South HOA

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 The Association of Trails South Addition, Inc. (commonly known as Trails South Homeowners Association) of Edmond, OK is located south of Edmond Road and west of Santa Fe.

The Association consists of eight housing additions. Construction of the first addition began in September, 1980 and the final addition was begun in January, 1982.

The addition contains 587 single family dwellings. Membership is mandatory.  The purpose of the Association is to promote the health, recreation, safety and welfare of the residents.

Trails South Homeowner’s Association

Annual Meeting

May 11, 2015

Holy Trinity Lutheran Church

308 N. W. 164th St.


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Started: March 16th 2020Replies: 0

Garage sale june5-7

Don't forget~ more
Started: May 26th 2009Replies: 1

Enforcement of covenants

Im noticing more and more violations. I am now starting to see trailers parked in driveways, cars parked in yards and trash cans left out in the street well past trash day. Have the rules become more... more
Started: July 11th 2011Replies: 6

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Neighborhood Resource Guide

Find essential information for homeowners, associations, and the community.
Estate Planning: Why You Need A Will
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