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Extreme Heat of 2023 kills Moon Mountain Saguaros

Started: February 2nd 2024Replies: 1

Commercial Truck parking in front of my house

Good morning,  who do I call to have my neighbor's truck removed?  They have a huge commercial truck parked in front of my house. The tags are expired, they work on trucks and cars at their... more
Started: May 2nd 2022Replies: 1

Need help

I live in the cactus and 36th st. I recently Kicked out a renter. Now I can hear them on my roof and attic and back pool area. I'm a 55 Yr old lady, unemloyed and go up enough money to ur door and... more
Started: January 14th 2016Replies: 1

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FAQs About Buying HUD Homes
House_th In the current economic envirionment, there are some incredible deals on HUD homes. This article will answer all your questions on the hows and wherefores of buying a HUD home. Question 1: What is a "HUD...
Tags: HomeownerHousingFinancial

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Money Tips for Young People
Taxespreadsm Financial matters can seem complicated as a Millennial. Can you identify with the average 25-35 year old? You probably graduated college with $30 something thousand dollars in debt, which you are still paying ...
Can the HOA really say No to Political Campaign Signs?
Political For some, this political season can be a stressful time full of undesirable campaign ads, signs, differing opinions, etc. For others, it is a time to fulfill one’s duty to their country by voting, or...
Tags: PoliticsHOAAssociation
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