United Community Civic Association

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High School Transfers Open at JVL Wildcat Academy...

If you know any young person who wants to earn a high school diploma while working on an internship, JVL Wildcat Academy may be for you! Transfer applications are available for September. We offer a... more
Started: June 19th 2014Replies: 0

We want the truth too!

It's come to my attention that local Asian newspapers cover topics pertaining to our community, that cannot be found in other Englih written community papers such as the Tribune. I think its important... more
Started: February 25th 2006Replies: 3

High School Transfers for JVL Wildcat Charter...

  If you know any young person who wants to earn a high school diploma while working on an internship, JVL Wildcat Academy maybe for you! Transfer applications are available for February... more
Started: December 18th 2014Replies: 0

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First Time Home Buyer Financial Assistance
Familysm This is the second in a series of articles for first-time home buyers. This article discusses the exceptional opportunities that exist for financial assistance for First-Time Home Buyers. First Time Home...

Neighborhood Resource Guide

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Bullying Prevention Program
Bully_th Bullying, a form of violence among children, is common on school playgrounds, in neighborhoods, and in homes throughout the United States and around the world. Often occurring out of the presence of adults or...
Tags: CommunitySafetyChildrenSchoolsStaff Pick
Should Your HOA Outlaw Renters?
Renting Renting is a troublesome topic amongst HOA’s for a variety of reasons. Many stereotypes follow renters, giving HOA’s an excuse to limit renting within their community, or prohibit it outright....
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