West Seventh/Fort Road Neighbors

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hi! anyone here!?? If you are from the West Seventh neighborhood and have seen the Monroe Community School playground, and have anything to say about it, please share your opinion!! I am doing a... more
Started: December 18th 2001Replies: 0

ugly playground??!.....Maybe!!..

hi! anyone here!?? If you are from the west seventh neighborhood and have seen the Monroe community school playground, and have anything to say, Please reply!! I am doing some research on it and I... more
Started: December 18th 2001Replies: 0

Properties for Sale

The beautiful Caron-Fabre building, located at 842 Rice Street, is an 1890 Victorian style building looking for a new owner.  Do you know anyone who might be interested in the property either for... more
Started: May 7th 2012Replies: 0

West Seventh/Fort Road Neighbors Real Estate and Home Values

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How To Avoid Foreclosure
Foreclosure_th The guidance below (and in the "How to Avoid Foreclosure" pamphlet) is applicable to homeowners with FHA Insured loans. While a good deal of this information may apply to all homeowners in danger of losing...

Neighborhood Resource Guide

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Prepare for Winter Storms and Extreme Cold
Areyouready_026_th Heavy snowfall and extreme cold can immobilize an entire region. Even areas that normally experience mild winters can be hit with a major snowstorm or extreme cold. Winter storms can result in flooding, storm...
The Controlling Director
Controllingdirectorthumb How many of us have experienced the board member who wants to control all aspects of his or her community association's operation from finances to personnel to housekeeping? This controlling person just...
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