Washington Street Community Center

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I have a problem with the Dementors!

The Dementors are everywhere in this neighborhood. Please help me! They've tried several times to touch my "goodies"!         NO ONE IS ON THIS SITE FOR A DECADE. KILL IT RAYMOND... more
Started: October 23rd 2020Replies: 0

Brown Dog Pizza - Why, why would you vote it down...

A little late to the topic, but I am beyond upset at the South Gaylord Neighborhood Association voting down Brown Dog Pizza. WHY ??? Too many liquor licenses ? Do you seriously think that in our... more
Started: August 18th 2011Replies: 1

Help - What Should I do about my Neighbor ?

I have lived in Washington Park for 9 years now, and my most recent residence on S. Williams for the past year. My immediate neighbors are nice people, but I am appalled by the state of their yard and... more
Started: July 29th 2009Replies: 2

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Does Mortgage Aid Hurt Your Credit Score?
Home-in-lifesaversm Homeowners seeking mortgage help through loan modification programs such as HAMP and HAFA, may face another issue—lower credit scores. Loan Modification and Credit Scores Homeowners on the verge of...

Neighborhood Resource Guide

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Help Your Kids Stay Safe Online
Childsafetysm Protect your children by teaching them how to stay safe and secure online.   It’s 3 p.m. Do you know what website your child is on? Kids spend nearly two hours a day online—surfing the...
Tags: CommunityStaff PickChildrenSafety
Cats and Dogs... A Manager's Tale
Dogscats_th There is an old saying that it's raining cats and dogs. Well, this saying (or so I'm told) came from days of yesteryear when roofs were made of straw and the steep angle required for good run-off brought the...
Tags: AssociationPets
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